Jul 21, 2006 13:08
Tonight we're having a sleepover. Alyssa & John. They are friends of the kids. John will be in Todd's kindergarten class this year and Alyssa is his sister. The four of them get along perfectly togrther. This will be the second time they have spent the night here.
I'm waiting to tell anyon e about my new job. I haven't saigned my contract yet, so I think I'll wait until I do, even though it's highly unlikely that anthing would cause it to fall through.
I was going to just sub this year, but I was asked to shadow a little girl. I said yes, because it's good pay and I couldn't aswk for better hours...she goes to the same school as Al & Todd so I just go when they go and come home when they do to. They do offer insurance, but I've got that through Todd & have decided not to take theirs. The little girl, has progeria (the aging disease) She's a sweet girl, I already know her from school. She missed several weeks of school this winter because she had a stroke. Sometimes people treat her like she's mentally challenged and she isn't. Her little brain works erfectly, just like any other 6 year old little girl, she's just got the body of a teeny tiny 80 year old. I think I'm up to this challenge.
Pat will be leaving this monday to go pick up Robyn and then they'll all be here . the two humans and the two fur humans until november. I'm not so sure that I'm up for this challenge. *sigh* I'm sure it will be fine, we will just establish a routine early on and stick to it. Yep, that's what we'll do. Or ELSE. I hope.
I have been at school everyday helping my friend set up her classroom. SHe's going to teach kindergarten this year. SHe taught for 12 years and then took off 6 when her twins were born (they are both autistic) now she's back at work and is feeling overwhelmed setting it all up, so I've been there everydayfor about 4 - 5 hours each day. THe kiids come aloong, ofcourse, but they have fun. Allyssa thinks she runs the school now. *wink*
It's dificult to get on here now that we have permanent company up here, but I think I'll ask Todd to set me up on the laptop so I can log on from my bedroom. I miss being on here.
Have a good weekend! Ours will be filled with sleepover fun, back to school shopping and ice skating, piano and violin lessons...Go, Go, GO...........One day when I don't have a million and one things to do a day, I know I'll miss it terribly.