Another Baby Frank Update

Jun 19, 2006 21:14

Things are starting to look up for our littlest baby in the family....

We had another scare yesterday, as he started posturing (you know, drawing his arms towards his chest and arching his back...usually a sign of deep brain damage) so they started doing tons of brain scans & other brain tests and came to the conclusion that it was from the morphine and other drugs used during the surgery and after. He had his first bowel movement, which is great, since that means the intestine that is left is alive and working. He does have his little baby colostomy bag now, but that will eventually come off in a few months as long as there are no other complications.

Another good sign is, he was angry when they were attaching the colostomy bag and stuff and he ripped all his breathing tubes off, and breathed just fine without them! So they have left them off.

Today he got his first little sponge bath. The little guy is
11 days old today...

His brother is at home and doing great.
My sister brandi's son, that was born two days after the twins is at home doing fine also. My sister Brandi had to go back to the Dr. today though as her c-section insicion has become infected somehow.....

That's the latest on the baby boys.....
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