Саудовскую Аравию замело снегом.
На дорогах аварии и пробки.
Честно говоря, снегопады здесь не в диковинку и не в новинку, периодически такое случается.
Местные предприимчивые жители организовали прокат самодельных "санок", что-то вроде корыт, и арабы с удовольствием катаются на них по заснеженным горкам.
А вообще в Аравии резко континентальный климат, летом температура от 25 до 46*С, а зимой между 4 и 18* тепла. Но иногда бывают и конкретные морозы до минус 6*.
Не ожидали такого?
Heavy rainfall and hail was recorded in the Saudi Arabian desert Tabuk. Snow fall in Saudi Arabian Desert Tabuk is definitely an spectacular sign.
Many are full of awe with this spectacular sight, while others may be seeing and recording this event as the nearness of end of times. One of the signs for the end of times the unexpected variation in the climatic conditions such as this one snowfall in the desert.
Tabuk has hot desert climate with mild winters. Summer temperature vary between 26 and 46 °C, while winter vary between −4 and 18°C, with widespread frosts. In some winters temperature reaches as low as −6 °C.-Snowfall is not uncommon.
Northern areas of the Kingdom is expected experience thunder rain with string winds on Saturday as announced by the Saudi news agency.
This could further lead to floods and dusty weather.
Same chilly climate was also experienced last year in January. Snowfall blanketed Saudi Arabia’s mountainous Tabuk region last year as well.
Desert covered in snow is a sight to see and many take on to social media sharing their photos and experience. The snow fall in the desert attracts lot of visitors and media each time.