Jun 01, 2006 00:06
joe fitt made me laugh today
im just posting this cause i don't want to write it out.
ilostmyhousekeys: o and p.s. what the fuck was that in ap eco
fittnacious: what
ilostmyhousekeys: lol the movie
fittnacious: oh the boobsd
ilostmyhousekeys: not that tits shouldn't be in every movie
fittnacious: that was an odd counterpunch to the corprate world
ilostmyhousekeys: but that was completely unnecessary
ilostmyhousekeys: lol
ilostmyhousekeys: it was long to
fittnacious: yeah
ilostmyhousekeys: i mean they could say "he loved strippers" and show one girl on a pole
ilostmyhousekeys: and end it
fittnacious: hey they gotta seel copies to make money
ilostmyhousekeys: it was going on and on
ilostmyhousekeys: ha
ilostmyhousekeys: true
fittnacious: and boobs are where its attt
ilostmyhousekeys: haha
fittnacious: you put them in the middle
fittnacious: so you can make a longer movie
ilostmyhousekeys: haha
ilostmyhousekeys: shouldn't cancellieri read the box it says "rated r for language and brief nudity"
fittnacious: im glad she didnt
fittnacious: that was so funny
ilostmyhousekeys: i know
ilostmyhousekeys: someone said miss fitz must've set her up
ilostmyhousekeys: so she'll lose her job
fittnacious: lol
fittnacious: well hey while shes on the way out
fittnacious: i want her in the sack
ilostmyhousekeys: haha
ilostmyhousekeys: yeah
fittnacious: hahahaha
ilostmyhousekeys: thats the most amazing thing ive heard you say
ilostmyhousekeys: lol
ilostmyhousekeys: i told her im teling my dad and the damage was done to my feeble little mind
ilostmyhousekeys: she could prob get fired for something like that
ilostmyhousekeys: if we get all our rents to call
ilostmyhousekeys: lol
fittnacious: lol nooo
fittnacious: i love miss C
ilostmyhousekeys: i do too
fittnacious: we need airheads to trudge on
ilostmyhousekeys: ha
ilostmyhousekeys: truuu
fittnacious: her class is so easy
ilostmyhousekeys: its so easy cause she doesn't know what shes teaching about most of the time
ilostmyhousekeys: i think shes a really smart woman
ilostmyhousekeys: she knows what shes talking about
ilostmyhousekeys: but shes like slightly retarded
ilostmyhousekeys: or just an airhead
ilostmyhousekeys: how much do you want to bet we're gonna put that movie on tomorrow and its still gonna be on that part?
fittnacious: lol
fittnacious: i hope so
fittnacious: just to mock her
ilostmyhousekeys: ha
fittnacious: or like
fittnacious: its on a fine segment right after that scene
fittnacious: and then 2 minutes later its all boobs again
ilostmyhousekeys: and then it goes right back
ilostmyhousekeys: haha
yeah it was funny :)