you stole my heart in 1, 2, 3 → [PD, Ned/Chuck VID!]

May 30, 2010 12:34

Title: You Stole My Heart
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Vidder:  turquoisetumult
Song: Stole My Heart;  Artist: Little & Ashley → [song is heard in the Amazon Kindle ad]
Category: Fluffy fluff.
Characters/Pairings: Ned/Chuck
Summary: Ned's sure that Chuck's stolen his heart. And vice versa. Um, just fluff, really. I mean, it's Pushing Daisies. How could it not be!?
Length: 2:25
File Size: ~108 MB

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♦ OMG, I didn't think the day would come where I'd be able to make a PD vid. Yes, I'm about 2 years too late, but I don't care! I still love this show and Ned/Chuck a ton. Also, they could not have found 2 better actors to make smitten expressions. Because, holy crap, PRECIOUS!
♦ I hope you all enjoy watching this as much as I enjoyed making it (which involved lots of squeeing because omfg!adorable). Feedback would be GREATLY APPRECIATED! ♥ ENJOY!

vid, pushing daisies, tv shows

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