so i gave ya that name and i said goodbye | an AU SPN vid.

Mar 23, 2010 23:54

I could no longer contain my excitement about this vid. So without further ado, Toni and I present to you:

Title: A Boy Named Sammy
Fandom: Supernatural
Vidder(s): tiggeratl1 & turquoisetumult  (for the SVS collab challenge for the month of March)
Song: A Boy Named Sue
Artist: Johnny Cash
Category: AU, Crack
Characters/Pairings: Sam, John
Summary: An AU crack vid in which Sammy hunts down his deadbeat father, John, to get revenge for his horrible name.
Length: 3:58
Link #1: Youtube
Link #2: Mediafire (146 MB)
Link #3: Sendspace (88 MB)
Link #4: 4Shared (88 MB)

Please feel free to leave feedback, especially detailed if possible! Constructive concrit is welcomed. Hope you enjoy! ♥

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vid, supernatural, tv shows, svs

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