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Comments 26

crickets February 15 2010, 01:21:11 UTC
Aw, that was sweet! And the Pushing Daisies music! Perfect.

Happy Valentine's Day Maria!


turquoisetumult February 15 2010, 21:41:15 UTC

And isn't it? I don't know how he did, but that Jim Dooley sure made a romantic instrumental. ♥

Happy Belated V-day, KC!


simplycassie February 15 2010, 01:28:41 UTC
Awww that was lovely! It makes me want to go watch Pushing Daisies :p
Also love the vid recs :D
*hugs back* (>^-^)> Hope you had a Fantastic Valentine's Day!!


turquoisetumult February 15 2010, 21:44:07 UTC
Have you ever seen Pushing Daisies? It was such a great show!

Thanks! And you're very welcome for the recs! Youtube takes far too much of my time but at least I have something to show for it others. :D

Hope you had a Fantastic Valentine's Day!!

Right back at ya! And D'OH, remind me to watch the V-day vid that you posted when my monitor isn't blinking every 2 minutes!!


Huh? Is there supposed to be a hug? I can't make it out! *squints harder; tilts head* :D


simplycassie February 16 2010, 08:09:10 UTC
Have you ever seen Pushing Daisies?

Nah, I've only watched the first episode and it made me want to continue watching but I always forgot and then I just got behind so I just decided not to xP

remind me to watch the V-day vid that you posted when my monitor isn't blinking every 2 minutes!!

lol, how about now? heads up though, I don't know how you feel about slash but it's Dean and Castiel. However it is very light and its just two manips, if you can even call it that xP. Dean shares his burger instead of letting Castiel take it and then Dean joking and asking castiel to be his valentine xP. So yeah..I know not everyone is a fan of that stuff so thought i should warn you :P

I can't make it out! *squints harder; tilts head* :D

Okay think Kirby trying to give you a hug, haha.
ETA: Totally deleted the first reply for the sole purpose of using the new Icon i just finished lol. xD


turquoisetumult February 16 2010, 15:12:04 UTC
Aww, well, if you liked the first episode, you would probably enjoy the rest too. I always thought it was a really cute "feel-good" show that nicely balanced out my angsty SPN. Of course, ABC decided to cancel said feel-good show, but it was good while it lasted.

I'm pretty good with Dean/Castiel. There is (especially in the early episodes) tons of tension between them! And Cas is pretty cute in his ignorance of properly dealing with humans. :)

Haha, I've done that before - editing the post just to get in a more appropriate icon! :)


gigglemonster February 15 2010, 01:29:50 UTC
Aw your slideshow is adorable dude! Love those pairings so very much :)

And man I gotta start watching Flight of the Concords! That clip was so amusing! And as silly as the lyrics were, the song was actually quite charming :)


turquoisetumult February 15 2010, 21:45:42 UTC
All those pairings are so epic in their own right! I'm glad you liked the slideshow! Thanks for the feedback.

FotC was awesome!!! They sang in every episode! That song is really cute, isn't it? The lyrics are quite poetic too if it wasn't for Jemaine (the guy on the couch) interjecting with silliness every 2 seconds! :D


gregor_asmadi February 15 2010, 02:33:26 UTC
Lovely vid, Maria! Happy Valentine's Day!


turquoisetumult February 15 2010, 21:46:14 UTC
Thanks so much, Steve!

Happy Belated V-day to you too!


callme_k February 15 2010, 05:42:55 UTC
*hugs back* ♥

Wish I could help out with why it didn't fill the entire screen, especially if you followed each step in the SVS tutorial. I'm completely stumped!
On the upside, YAY you for making a vid \o/


turquoisetumult February 15 2010, 21:47:48 UTC
I dunno. Maybe I didn't set all the stuff right in Vegas, but I thought I had! I deleted the file(s) now anyway so too late for that...

Lol. Thanks for the yay! If only more things could cooperate than I could make more. :D



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