2 Dead Like Me Ficlets + 1 MultiFandom Fic Meme

Jan 18, 2010 22:39

I had these two Dead Like Me ficlets that I had written this past summer and I totally forgot to post them so I'm doing it now for anyone who's interested. And the FIC MEME was done today to help spark the muse, but I don't know how successful it was. :)

Author: turquoisetumult 
Disclaimer: I don't own Dead Like Me or its characters.
Warning: This is unbeta-ed ( Read more... )

pushing daisies, tv shows, dollhouse, fic, supernatural, dead like me, angel, wonderfalls

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Comments 23

chrisevans January 19 2010, 04:07:02 UTC
I had to come check these out when I saw you post this at dean_sam and I saw Ned and Chuck posted. I love Pushing Daisies and just so happened to be watching season one last night. I really liked these, and I'd be like you with going over the word limit.


turquoisetumult January 19 2010, 17:02:04 UTC
PD was a great show! I still miss it dearly. And any chance to combine those characters with my other beloved TV show characters was one I was going to take (even though the 30 word limit was killing me - but it helps to hear that you'd have trouble with it too. :D)

Thank you for the feedback, I'm so happy you like the drabbles...


chrisevans January 20 2010, 01:14:07 UTC
I'm really surprised the show didn't last longer than it did. I knew several people who were watching it and unfortunately I didn't get to see it till after it was taken off air. Now I have the urge to write some PD stories though not drabbles. I don't think I could ever write something 100 words or less. I'm jealous that you were able to do it in 30 words.


turquoisetumult January 20 2010, 01:31:47 UTC
Well, networks unfortunately only look at numbers (even though Nielsen is totally out-dated!) and I guess it didn't perform to its expectations! Then again, the gap between the 2 seasons was about a year and they hardly advertised for it so ... yeah, let's down go down that road, but ABC is a poopyhead in my eyes. (Please ignore that I ever used that word. lol!)

If you do end up writing PD fic, I will totally read it! So this is me encouraging you to do so! :D


zestyzorra January 19 2010, 04:28:03 UTC
Omg love the Dean!Crack one! :D


turquoisetumult January 19 2010, 17:03:12 UTC
Hee, I'm glad you liked it! :D Thanks for the comment!


dist_reflection January 19 2010, 04:58:41 UTC
This was an awesome post!
I have never read any form of DLM fiction be it fic, ficlet or drabble. So this was a delightfully new experience. You captuted George wonderfully in the second story and as for the first I like that Mason could be more fond of George than he ever lets on. Mason/George were always my favourite.

The fic meme was great fun! I may even give it ago and I havent written fic in years. I liked Angstm Threesome, Crack & Horror best. Also Ned becoming a vampire made me all :O I dont ever want him to be the undead, and especially not hanging out with Angel. I love me Ned and I love me vampires but they SHOULD NOT MEET. *protects him* Although it would be interesting to see how his being undead affects his ability to made the dead undead. :P


turquoisetumult January 19 2010, 17:26:33 UTC
Hey Lauren,

Well, DLM fic is pretty sparse so you're hardly to blame to not having read any. :) I'm really happy you enjoyed these ficlets though! I'm thrilled to hear that you think my George characterization worked and that Mason/George seemed plausible as well (I actually DON'T ship them romantically but this was a request/challenge so I'm happy that it works despite the fact that I don't actually ship them. :))

Hee, I think the SPN ones turned out pretty good too. As for the "Dark" one - I dunno. I always thought there was a hidden underlying darkness/bitterness/angst (like Chuck's immortality in "Horror!") to Pushing Daisies that might fit in really well in a darker show like Angel if a few things were tweaked. But generally speaking, Ned's life is sad enough and it shouldn't get sadder so I know where you're coming from *protects him with you* lol.

Thanks so much for the great review! I'm glad you liked them!


dist_reflection January 19 2010, 23:36:21 UTC
Ive never gone looking for any DLM fic either so that probably didnt help. :P
I dont know if I believe George/Mason could work romantically but I dont mind them being almost like siblings or super close friends. Like how I love Rube/George and their father daughter bonding.

I agree with you about PD having dark undertones. Each character has secrets and emotional burdens to bear but I wasnt really ever fond of Angel, even when he was on Buffy. I think Angelus kicks ass but Angel is just whiny and angsty and annoying and no one deserves to be stuck with him forever as a fanged undead friend, especially not Ned. Mind you if he was the undead maybe he and Chuck could be together? But yeah I think Ned doesnt need the drama of becoming a vampire, his life is complicated enough as it is.

No worries! Thankyou for posting them!


turquoisetumult January 19 2010, 23:52:53 UTC
Yes, I do really enjoy the close platonic relationships on DLM. Very heartwarming.

Aww, I like Angel! I've always seen him as a redemptive figure, but I can understand how some people can see him as over-the-top. But, yeah, short of it - Ned as vampire is a no go. :)


lost_in_dreamz_ January 19 2010, 05:04:46 UTC
Omg, all of these are brilliant. As a Dead Like Me, SPN, Dollhouse, and Pushing Daisies Fan. Though I liked all of the SPN-involved ones best. They all had me cracking up, except for angsty-Sam, which was shiver-worthy in only 30 words.


turquoisetumult January 19 2010, 17:34:22 UTC
You're a DLM, SPN, DH, AND PD fan? AWESOME. Go Fuller, Whedon, and Kripke!!! :D

I'm really pleased to hear that you liked these! I was lucky that most of the SPN ones were humor (And Castiel really got some action in these, huh?)

angsty-Sam, which was shiver-worthy in only 30 words.

Really? That's what a compliment!

Thank you so much for the feedback. Happy you like them.


roadtripper666 January 19 2010, 08:10:08 UTC
The fic meme was awesome!! Read all the spn ones. Thanks for sharing &hearts. Where did you find this meme btw?


turquoisetumult January 19 2010, 17:35:47 UTC
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it.

Hmm, I think it works like a regular meme. I just found it reading someone else's and took it. You can do the same with mine if you'd like.


roadtripper666 January 21 2010, 08:32:40 UTC
I think I may pinch it from you. Just a question, who gave you the prompts for the pieces?


turquoisetumult January 21 2010, 23:28:33 UTC
Go ahead and take it!

Honestly, I really don't know. I think it's like a meme except with fic. I stole it from this person. You can ask him/her, but I'm not sure if he'd know more than me.


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