... Just stuff...
-Went to see the Simpsons Movie on Saturday with a few friends. It was really quite good, though one could easily call it an extended episode that you could get on TV for free (as the movie spoofed). ;) Regardless, I liked it and I didn't feel I wasted my money, so yay! But OMG! cartoon-frontal-male-nudity WTF?! Let us not ponder that... Moving on... :D
-My boss is a big old pervert. And I literally mean, he's big and old ... and married, and has kids. And with all that, he really shouldn't be 'complimenting/flirting' with the girls or hinting at sexual inneudos. For Christ's sake, grow up... *rolls eyes* Fucking boys will be boys...
-Speaking of work, there's a busy schedule for next week. And I hate it! Grr... On the bright side, I feel so grown up. I already hate my job at the ripe age of 18, and having only worked there for about two months! It takes most people at least a few years for their utter distaste for their work to hit them. ;) Always was a quick learner - well, when it came to cynicism at least. ;)
-Got my bottom retainer removed today. And now I keep sliding my tongue across the back of my teeth. Ohh, so smooth! *is happy* I still have to wear my top retainer at night twice a week until I'm twenty, but oh well. No biggie. I have a completely metal-less mouth this very instant for the first time in five years. YAY!
-I am so cold right now! My hands are frozen! I had to wear a jacket today when I went out and I'm wearing long jeans, a sweater, and socks inside right now. It feels like October and that makes me sad a little bit. Mostly because it's reminding me of school. Stupid weather. Stupid side-effects of Hurricane Dean (
That's right, Dean. Don't try and look all innocent...) Oddly enough, the temperatures are supposed to hit high by the end of the week (like 90*F) and that doesn't make me happy either. Blah, nothing makes me happy... lol.
-I hate myself for procrastinating my school stuff. Get your damn insurance policy renewed, Maria! *headdesk* I just get all nervous when I have to do important, can't-really-go-back-and-fix-things-if-you-screw-up, stuff like that. Hence my procrastination, despite the fact that the paper is literally right underneath my keyboard.
-I kind of want to icon Supernatural, but am super intimitated. The damn lighting in the show I've heard is impossible to work with (why, Kripke, why!?) and even if I do figure it out, I feel like everyone has already iconed it, and far better than I could ever do. I think I'm just trying to create an excuse to look at the pretty boys... ;)
-Yet another summer wasted. Eh, what else is new... Though I did get to meet more with my friends this year than in past years so I guess that's a good thing...
Okay, *scratches head*, that's it for now, folks... :D