(no subject)

Jan 15, 2007 17:10

So I just finally watched the pilot of Firefly. I always meant to watch that show, but didn't want to rent or buy the DVDs. Luckily, I was introduced to this great site where they have several episodes of shows, Firefly being one of them. :) Anyway, I really liked it. I miss the Joss Whedon fandom so much, so I think I'm going to watch all the other episodes. Plus, I love Mal, Walsh, Kaylee (even though her chipperness would usually annoy me, it suits her character) and all the rest. Too bad I start school tomorrow again and don't know where I'll find the time to watch it.

Took a shower and had some lunch soon after the episode (which lasted for quite a while - someone could've warned me the pilot is 90 minutes!) I had some killer cramps then (no really, I was literally groaning), but they've calmed down now. Days like this, I wish I were a man. lol. Well, no, not really, I guess...

Anywho, still making progess on my Children of Men/Lost vid, slowly (but surely!) I have just about a minute left of the trailer to vid. This vid is totally making me ship Jack/Juliet. :) Hopefully, I can finish it sometime soon.

firefly, tv shows, vidding issues

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