Festivids Letter

Oct 13, 2012 13:06

Dear Festividder:

As far music is concerned, I will pretty much listen to anything from instrumental to 80s rock to alternative. Some of my favorite musicians include Mumford and Sons, Muse, Florence and the Machine, Astronautalis, and I'm really getting into Marina and the Diamonds. But really, I'm quite random and eclectic. I don't normally listen to rap, hiphop, or pop, but if the song suits your video, by all means, go for it!

And What I'm Requesting:

• Coupling UK [TV]: using the song: "Dropped" by Phantom Planet
I just used to LOVE this show and it’d be great to see a fun ensemble fanvid for it. I was particularly enamored with Series 1 through 3 (aka, when Jeff was around), but I don’t mind footage from Series 4 as long as it doesn’t focus much on Oliver.

• Dead Like Me [TV]
I’m still in love with show even after all these years. I really enjoyed Mason/Daisy relationship on the show, but I will take almost anything with this show. Mason character study. George character study. Daisy, Rube, Roxy character study. Ensemble. You get the point. I don't care. I’ll be satisfied with anything as long as it's not a romantic Mason/George vid.

• Wonderfalls [TV]: using "The Bird Song" by Florence and the Machine
Like Dead Like Me, I’ll take whatever, but I always thought the song above would work well in describing how Jaye is guilted into doing so many things all because of the muses.

• The Fall (2006) [Movie]
Surprise me. I love this movie. I’m sure anything will be wonderful.

• The Princess Bride [Movie]
Same as ‘The Fall.’

• Raising Hope [TV]
Something that’s really cute and highlights all the hilariously adorable moments of the show would be great. I’m particularly interested in seeing the dynamic among the Chance family and how they’re always there for one another.

• Shaun of the Dead [Movie]
Serious, scary, or funny, I don’t care. Heck, it can be all three.

• Hot Fuzz [Movie]
Something bromantic would be wonderful, but not necessary.

Can’t wait for Festivids to get started! YAY!

Thank you in advance!

letters, vidding

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