Jemma's X-mas Prezzie! [SPN/Lost AU Fic]

Dec 28, 2011 16:37

Title: Fade Out Again
Fandom: Supernatural/Lost
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The shows or characters ain’t mine, ok?
Characters: Sam/Kate Austen (LOST)
Genre: AU
Word Count: 2,556
Summary: Azazel can bring back Dean from Hell, but he wants one thing in return: Kate Austen. Sam tracks her down, but falls for her. Now Sam is faced with an agonizing decision ( Read more... )

fic, supernatural, tv shows, lost, rec

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jemmalynette December 29 2011, 01:06:32 UTC

I love it, I love it! Your writing is SO beautiful and I love how closely you kept to the 'events' in the video! I really enjoyed reading your extra lines of speech, it was a bit like reading the parts I couldn't include in the vid and expanded on the story a lot more.

I think my favourite part here was the torture scenes and the way you described both Kate and Sam waking up in anguish. asdhjfsgh it's just stunning. Absolutely stunning :D:D I really enjoyed reading this, thank you so much for writing it for me!! It's perfect. *HUGS!* And Merry Belated Xmas to you too, I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday :)

I am definitely going to make you something for your wishlist but I'm still trying to figure out what >_< Maybe if you have any more ideas that you didn't write down on your list you could pitch them to me? :P


turquoisetumult December 29 2011, 02:31:49 UTC
Thank you, thank you!

YAY! *claps excitedly* I'm so so happy you liked it. I have to be honest, I wasn't really feeling this when I was writing it - I had a hard time mixing two characters from two very different shows, but I'm glad you ended up enjoying it!

My intention was really trying to adhere to the plot you built in your vid, but adding more to it as well. Glad it showed and it worked!

As for my wishlist ... hmm, it's hard because you and I have a limited amount of shared fandoms these days.

Do you still watch TVD? I'd love to see a Damon/Katherine vid (perhaps to this song. Any kind of Katherine vid would also do (she's totally a BAMF and I LOVE HER!) or a Klaus vid? Or how about a Stefan&Damon-focused vid?

I also really love this song and think about the Winchester brothers and their life on the road and reliance on each other every time I hear it. Even only using from 1:19 and onwards would work beautifully for a Winchester vid.

I hope this helped. I'd appreciate any little thing though. :)


jemmalynette December 30 2011, 12:54:22 UTC
Yeah I watch TVD but the song is blocked for me on YT :\

I like the SPN idea if I do it from 1:19 onwards but since I'm not so good with my SPN scenes, do you have any ideas in particular for the lyrics? I have some ideas but I just wanted to check with you since it's your idea :)Also, do you have the song?


turquoisetumult December 30 2011, 16:57:44 UTC
The Damon/Katherine song I had in mind is this: She Wants Revenge - Broken Promises for Broken Hearts.

I do have Astronautalis - Measure the Globe (just ripped from YT so I hope that's an all right copy). I will PM you with some of the lyrics and ideas that I had floating around in my head.

I also wanted to let you know that I just realized you starting watching Community too! If you want to (and are comfortable with the source), I'd love a Community vid as well! Just don't have it be a Jeff/Annie vid - I really can't get on board with that ship for some reason. Anything else (Jeff/Britta, Troy/Abed, Ensemble, whatever, is totally great.)

Thanks for even the thought of making me a gift, hon! It means a lot! :)


jemmalynette December 30 2011, 17:39:08 UTC
Thanks for the uploads :)

I love Community! It's great you like it too! I would love to make a video for it but I watched the entire series online so don't have any clips :\

I look forward to hearing your ideas ^_^


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