Recipe Ruckus

Jun 12, 2006 14:26

I decided to not eat sugar for 2 weeks. On Wednesday the 2 weeks will be up. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Nathan and I have planned on making brownies and eating mint ice cream with them, which I am most definitely looking forward to (I've been browsing zine distros today and the term "vegan chocolate brownies" keeps popping up EVERYWHERE), but at the same time, I've almost forgotten about sugar. It hasn't been a part of my life -- beans, rice, broccoli, peppers, peaches, potatoes, yams, almond butter have. And I've become very good friends with them. To start eating sugar again would seem like ruining the party.

I told Elizabeth I would send her my recipe for Greenwood Potatoes, but of course I forgot! And Bean, I was SO CLOSE to sending out your package today but we didn't have any packing tape or any bubble wrap to speak of, so I jumped in the car with 10 minutes to spare before the mail went out, raced to town, only to realize I had forgotten your address. How classic!

Anyway. Greenwood Potatoes are the ultimate yummness, in my opinion (they're on my breakfast menu too), so

2 medium red potatoes, chopped into small pieces
White onion, chopped small, however much you like (I do about 1/4 to 1/2 onion)
Some chopped tomato if you like tomatoes
Sundried tomatoes, however many you like
Grated cheese (I use mozzarella or cheddar)
A heaping handful of kale, torn into pieces
Freshly ground pepper
Olive oil

Heat olive oil in a cast iron pan -- about 3 tablespoons I'd say. (There are no measurements for this, as you can tell!) When it's hot, add yer potatoes. Get them all nice and coated in the oil, and cover the pan. You all know how to cook potatoes this way, right? Cook them until 3/4 done. Remove the lid. Add onion and tomato. Get the potatoes however crispy you like them. When the vegetables are how you like them, toss in the sun-dried tomatoes. Add the kale to cook it down a bit. Add salt and pepper and cheese. Stir everything together and turn out onto a plate before the cheese bubbles and sticks to the pan! Devour with sour cream!

At the cafe I add chopped Italian sausage, so if you're feeling carnivorous you could add it.

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