I Know This Music: Chapter 0

May 01, 2008 20:43

Title: I Know This Music
Rating: PG14
Main characters: Fred Jr. and Roxanne Weasley
Pairings: George/Angelina, George/Angelina/Lee, possible others
Summary: Music means everything to twins Fred Jr. and Roxanne Weasley. Especially since Roxanne had her voice stolen long ago. This story will run alongside Turquoise's fifth chapter and is central to understanding the plot.
Part 10 of the Turquoise_verse.

Chapter 0: Silence


“Keep your kickers on, Mum.” Fred Weasley Jr. rolled his blue-green eyes and pushed his deep brown locks from his face. “What do you say, Rox? Should we ‘turn it down’?” He shot his twin sister a mischievous grin.

Roxanne Weasley smirked, her freckles standing out on her caramel skin. She passed one drumstick to her other hand and quickly twisted her free hand into the forms that only vaguely mimicked real Sign Language, but Fred knew it to mean: “I don’t hear any racket, just music.”

“Oi, that’s right! No racket down here, mum!” Fred laughed and strummed a few lines on his guitar, matching his sister’s beat on her drums.

“FRED! ROXANNE!” Angelina’s voice was suddenly a load clearer as she flung open the door, “Dinnertime.” She growled, glaring at each of them in turn.

“I remember this music. C’mon kids, Mum needs some quiet time before she blows her top off.” George laughed from beyond the basement door, clinking plates following from his voice.

“Blimey, are we having tuna again?” Lee’s faint voice could be heard as it echoed from the second floor.

Angelina sighed, “Food’s on the table.” She turned and walked back into the kitchen, leaving the twins to follow.

Rox rolled her eyes and stood, tucking her drumsticks into her back pocket. Fred touched her fingertips lightly as he passed, and they shared a knowing grin. Then she shrugged and scrambled up the stairs in typical eleven year-old fashion.

Fred hurried after her, grabbing up her walking stick and tossing it to her. She caught it and frowned at him for a moment, but grudgingly used it to get to the kitchen. Fred watched her for a second, then hurried to his seat and flopped down in it, Rox matching him from across the table a second later.

“How’re you two doing?” Lee tapped his fork against the plate absentmindedly.

Rox turned her head towards her second father, blue-green eyes seeking his before she answered with a more standard version of Sign Language this time, “Good. We’ve almost got the latest song down-just a few more quirks to work out.”

Fred nodded along, barely needing to watch her hands to know what she was saying, “That measure in the middle for the guitar-it still has a sour taste to it.”

George walked over with Angelina close behind, both setting down the various plates of food before settling into their own chairs with Angelina at the head of the table, George and Lee on either side of her.

“Let’s tuck in!” George grinned and speared a piece of tuna he had been eying. Lee scowled but stabbed another decently large piece and snatched it onto his plate. Angelina rolled her eyes and served herself in a more polite manner. Fred collected food he knew Rox would want and traded plates with her before slopping his own food onto his plate, as per their little tradition. Roxanne grinned at her twin and began the process of cutting up her tuna and buttering her potato.

“Fred, get some of the peas, they won’t kill you.” Lee shoved the said food towards the boy, before grabbing a roll for Rox. “Here you go, little fox.”

“Ta Papa.” Fred said with a roll of his eyes, scooping as few as possible peas onto his plate. Roxanne reached for the butter and quickly slipped some onto her knife and buttered the roll.

George snorted, “Fox, you’re going to die of a heart attack with all that butter.”

“Shut it, Dad, like you don’t already have too much salt on your tuna. Didn’t the doc say you’re not supposed to have salt with the potion he gave you?” Fred defended his twin lightheartedly.

Angelina shot George a glare, “Frog’s right, give it here, George.”

The Weasley man gave a joking whimper, but still handed over the salt shaker and watched Lee magic the salt off his tuna. “George, you need to stop testing the healers. Merlin’s pants, it’s not like you’ll ever see the end of them what with you blowing shite up all the time at the shop.” Lee shook his head, sliding his wand back up his sleeve.

All the adults kept their wands on their person all the time, even though there was no need. Fred had asked about it one day and the only response he’d gotten was muttering about wars and never being too careful with Weasley children.

Fred pushed the napkins into Rox’s questing hand but continued to watch their parents. In place of a meaningful glance, the twins touched fingertips, conveying through the simple touch that they both were curious and amused.

“You guys are no fun. I haven’t blown myself up yet, and that’s what counts.” George leaned back in his chair, trying to make the conversation more lighthearted.

Angelina sawed into her potato with her knife and fork, talking to George, but not bothering to raise her head to do so, “Being blown up means little if you keep accidently cursing, hexing, or jinxing yourself-or even worse when you decide to test your little devices and they backfire on you.”

This was an over-argued argument that Angelina and Lee never won. George enjoyed working continuously and dangerously and would never do anything to tone his workload down to safer levels.

The odd family went silent for a moment, a truly rare occurrence, when the tapping of two owls on the window broke the silence.

“Oh!” Lee gapped, “I forgot, that’s today!”

“Shush!” Angelina hissed, cracking open the window. The two barn owls swooped in, dropping their letters and left without waiting for a reply.

Fred picked the envelope out of his potato, “One day someone will teach owls not to dunk their letters…” he muttered, turning the letter over and staring at the seal. “Bloody hell. Hogwarts letters, Rox.”

Roxanne had found her own letter, and was tapping it against the table. “Sounds packed,” Fred commented at the weighty ‘thud’ of her letter, Rox nodded absently.

Fred slit his letter open, and quickly read the first piece of paper. “I’m in!” He cried, tossing the letter into the air, to be caught by George.

George skimmed the letter, “Everything’s in place,” He turned to his daughter, “Open yours little fox.” His voice was soft, barely hiding his eagerness but also his fear for his fragile daughter.

The female twin ran her hands all over the envelope, before neatly opening it and pulling out the letter. Her eyes locked onto the words and shifted from side to side as she read it.

There was a tense silence.

Then Rox smiled softly and gave them a thumbs-up. The table promptly erupted into cheers.

[next chapter]

cross-posted at: hp_tng and turquoise_verse

fred and roxanne weasley, george/angelina/lee, i know this music fic, central to plot

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