here's that yearly thing i do. i hope you find your name and read. if i know you even a tiny bit, youre probably on here. sorry if i forgot you :/ let me know? anyway, here i go. this might take a while.
Devika Agarwal- Oh sigh, Devika, first like always! You ultra skinny & tall person! I'm super glad I met you. Your friendship means a lot to me. Haha, I had fun talking to you on the phone with your flirty family friends (fine, I won't say the name). But you're super nice, and always there for me, thats what I love, and that's what keeps our friendship on the good side. Thanks for helping me out this year on COUNTLESS things (need I say more?). I hope we'll stay close in high school. Oh, and you're one of the most hardworking & dedicated Fundraiser commission members EVER.
Mayra Alvarez- It was awesome working with you in ASB this year. You planned out the yummiest parties! I don't know you that well, but I hope we talk in high school!
Ashwin Aravind- I'll start off with the one word everyone calls you: SMART. How do you do it, Ashwin... We all know you will be one successful person. Good luck in the future.
Minal Awasthi- Rofl, funny times, Minal! Um, let's see... "go vac yourself" and "vooting sessions", haha. No matter how and when, that will always keep me laughing. Oh, and I will never forget your top Horner hot guy list. I wonder how many fortunate people will make the list in your next 4 years ;). Ooh lala! Jk, haha. I'm glad I got to know you this year, you've turned out to be an entertaining friend! Mall trip was fun. Dude, Desi Penney's, ROFL.
Kian Banks- Wow, Kian. So what was your fastest mile time? 5 something? Of course. Haha, you're leaving the Fab 5, tsk tsk. Well, good luck at Saratoga...(I think thats where you're going?). We all know you'll wow them with your super fast running skills. Oh, and I expect to flick on the TV in a few years and see you at the next track Olympics. No lie.
Aaron Benn- Wow, Aaron, wow. You have to admit, Lily and I kept you well trained this year. Let's see, we met in ASB? Yep. Then, first semester, you always used to go HELP SPIRIT. then we made you sign this contract, which said you would have to stick with us, and I'm impressed, you stuck with that! Haha, thanks for typing up all that stuff (even though you had to reprint about a thousand times due to grammar & spelling mistakes). You really did a nice job in our commission! It wouldn't have been the same without you. Thanks for helping me out with everything (if you know what I mean). Keep my myspace updated, it's your responsibility! And good luck as intern next year!
Nani Benvissuto- Aw, I dont think you will read this, but it was awesome meeting you in science this year. I hope that you're doing great at your new school!
James Blizel- You've probably heard this a number of times, but its tempting so I must say it. James Blizel to the shizzle in the hizzle! Or as Beccah says, James-eys. Haha. Great job acting in your Midsummer video! You kept me laughing this whole year, so thanks. See ya in high school :)
Chelsea Boydstun- Met you in PE in 7th grade! Even though we don't have any classes together this year, I'm glad we still talk and stuff. I hope to see you next year!
Stephanie Cao- I met you recently, and even though we haven't talked so much, from what I hear, you're super nice, friendly, cool 8), and REALLY PRETTY! Thanks for the song suggestions, and I'll definitely see you when we're freshmans =)
Chris Caruthers- Dude, you really gave me a hard time in core last year. Gosh.
Deborah Chau- Basketball buddy from last year! Oh geez, so much skill, Deborah! Thanks for helping me in homework when I needed it, and also for being a friend!
Bani Chaudhary- I think you're SUPER pretty! And whenever I talk to you, you always treat me nicely. Thanks! I'm glad I got the chance to meet you at Horner.
Jacqueline Chen- My buddy Jacqueline! You did an AWESOME job with the yearbook (superlatives page, right?) Haha, I loved your nickname, K to the ritz! So original! I met you in 7th grade, and since then we've talked once in a while, and it's been totally awesome knowing you. Haha, I hope you had fun bothering "Takiar" in science! Oh yeah, Hopkins game :p. It's been a pleasure knowing you, and its sad to hear you won't be at Irvington next year. Mission must be lucky, they're getting such a sweet, pretty, considerate, and honest addition to their list of students. I really hope you enjoy your next 4 years, and don't forget to visit!
Kai Chen- Dude, you are GULLIBLE. I can't believe you actually believed everything Devika said about Sahil and me in the "parking lot" -_-. Gosh, haha. Nice job in ASB, see you after summer!
Quincy Chen- Haha, Quincy. Thanks for helping me out with the homework and so much more. I really appreciate it!
Ryan Chen- Haha, we used to argue so much at the beginning of the year in math! You really made Ms. Chiu mad this year, and had fun doing it. Funny.
Tarry Chen- You made a nice OA! Haha, and being super smart, of course, aced science. Congrats, you made Mr. Law's 10 pointer!
Iris Cheng- Cat lover! Haha. Another basketball buddy from last year. So glad you were in my english class this year! Hope to see you in 9th grade!
Mahathee Chetlapalli- You've sat behind me in English for pretty much the whole year, and that's how I got to know you. I must say, you're a very kind, sensible, and smart person! I feel lucky to have met you.
Faustine Chia- You were in my science class, yay! It was great that I met you, you're a great friend to anyone in need. Don't change that.
Lisa Choo- Ooh, haha! Fun times in math, Hirsch buddy! You corrected my paper like, the whole year, and sat at my table the whole year too! It was awesome getting to know you even more.
Matt Chou- When I met you, I noticed right away you didn't talk much. But I'm glad we started talking, you turned out to be a really cool, nice person! I'll see you in high school, and thanks for all those song suggestions!
Lily Chu- Oh sigh, Lily. From what I've seen these past 4 years, you will NEVER change your smart, honest, trustworthy, responsible, and modest self. It's been a pleasure knowing you for so long, and I definitely call myself lucky to have met you. Your family has helped me and my family in all our times of need, and we want you to know we really appreciate it, a lot! Thanks for always being there, you've proved I can count on you, time after time. Let's just hope my mom doesn't find out about Takiar anytime soon, right Lily ;)?
Hayong Chung- It was nice meeting you, Hayong! You turned out to be super nice, and I'll see you around.
Rebecca Cook- We've been through a lot this year, haven't we? I met you through Katie in 7th grade, and I consider that good luck. Tons of drama this year, huh? I want you to know that whenever you need me, I will ALWAYS be here for you, no matter what. <3 you Becca! We had our good & bad times this year, and I hope high school treats us better :)
Mayra Cortez- I'm really glad I met you in PE! It was really fun! You're a super fast runner! And all your pictures turn out really pretty :) Anyway, I hope I'll see you around next year!
Catherine Crinigan- Dude, you've helped me out SO MUCH this year! Thanks a lot for all you did. You lent me clothes for the Talent Show, you stuck by me in my good & bad times, and you've been an awesome friend that I had fun getting to know. Your party ROCKED. I hope we stay close in our next 4 years, and congratulations on making VP. I know you'll do an excellent job.
Doug Davis- Haha, Hirsch was fun! Cool that you were in my classes this year, I'll see you next year.
PJ Denyer- I am so glad I met you in ASB! You did an awesome job in Publicity! And you were in my PE class too! I'm glad I got to know you, and I hope to see you soon!
Catherine Dinh- I met you through Katie also, and I have to say, you are one of the sweetest, nicest, and smartest people I knew this year! Good job in trap all those times in history! I hope we have classes together next year!
Stephanie Do- Hmm, I met you in 7th grade, but got to know you a little better in ASB. Your dance absolutely ROCKED. You put in a lot of effort, and that tells me you'll go very far in life.
Jaideep Dudani- In 6th grade, you were such a nerd. Gosh, what happened. Haha. PE was... fun?
Vesanna Fan- Oh dear. Thanks a BUNCH for helping me with all that math. I get the feeling I will need your smartness in high school too :D
Dezerae Gilmore- Remember PE last year? That was memorable! And ASB this year, Spirit was lucky to have you! You are super pretty and kind hearted, which is what makes it worth it to have met you!
Bandhu Gollapudi- Haha, I walked to school with you, before you moved! It was fun! Well, nice job with the yearbook! I can tell you guys worked really hard on it.
Brittani Gomes- Brittani! Posters really needed you, with your cool artistic talents! You've been a great person to get to know, and you always kept a smile on my face! I'll cherish the days you used to tease Ksheeraja, haha!
Danielle Gomes- Yay, I had a class with you this year! And I sat next to you for a while. It was fun :). You're a soccer & swimming person, right? I know you'll do great in high school!
Maryam Haider- Haha, you live in my neighborhood! It's cool to talk to you when I need someone. I'll see you in high school!
Julie Hamilton- Ooh, I had fun talking to you online this year! And you were in my PE class last year! Good times!
Sophie Hassett- PE last year was awesome. You were my partner a lot, and I had fun getting to know you, especially in ASB this year! Our class had a great time.
Sejal Hathi- Roll call was reeally entertaining, rofl. Every single day, we'd find something to talk about. You'd always tell me how you got like, perfect on some test or another, haha! Keep up that dedication, Sejal! And good luck at your new school!
Heather Ho- Thanks for signing the card Stephanie made for me :). And keep up that basketball skill, haha!
Melissa Ho- ROFL. you've sat next to me or near me in every single class we've had together! And passing notes was HILARIOUS, I had the BEST time! It was great getting to know you these past 2 years, you've helped me out whenever I needed something, and I really wanna thank you. I'll see you in 9th grade, and I'll always be here if you need something.
Sofia Hoang- Spirit wouldn't have been the same without you and your wonderful ideas! It was great getting to know you, Sofia, no matter how much you wanted to tell Mrs. G about a boyfriend. Rofl.
Ashley Hsu- Wow, you're so talented in everything! Super smart & artistic, + dedicated and hard working. You'll do great in high school, I can tell.
Scott Humphreys- Haha, re-do's from 5th grade. Yeah, I still remember! Geez Scott.
VernaLee James- aw, your voice is ANGELIC. It's great how even though we're not so close, we always say hi to each other and stuff :)
Jesse Jensen- You're scary. Intimidating. You tease me about "stuff". Ah! But haha, still, you're really funny, and kept us all away from stress in ASB. It was nice meeting you! Don't scare me.
Shela Jeong- Aww, I am very very pleased to have gotten to know you over these past 2 years, Shela! I'm really happy I got to know a smart, talented, honest, and considerate person! You've done A LOT for me, and thanks for always being there :) Great job on your Midsummer video and I'll definitely see you in high school!
Jade Jones- Ooh, basketball skills! Hirsch was great, and so was Horner. See you in 9th grade!
Priya Kane- Oh, funny moments, can they GET any funnier? Don't think so! I got so close to you this year, and I see myself as really fortunate to have that happen. You're one independent girl that sticks up for anyone, anytime, and thats what makes you really easy to befriend. Rohit&Aman all the way, Priya! Or should I say, Priyankesh! You have NO IDEA how much you've made me laugh. Every day, something new. Over spring break when everyone was in DC, you showed me those HILARIOUS pictures. then our whole love triangle stories ;) oh goodness. These are truly the memories we will cherish. I'll definitely see you over summer, and we're going to rock freshman year.
Nimra Khan- Only met you this year, but you are one COOL, sensible, nice girl! Haha, PGA was fun :p. (coughpicturescough). I will see you next year, can't wait!
Kiran Khatra- My PGA bus buddy! Dude, it was awesome. Every day we talk, we get a little closer, and it's great because you really are worth getting to know.
Anna King- You got past Mr. Law's trap really easily. And rocked all those basketball games! Congrats on doing so well this year!
Jennifer Knappe- Oh wow, remember our Premature Burial video? That was SO FUN! I'm so glad I met you this year, Jennifer. You are super nice and easy to talk to, and always there for your friends.
Sarah Koniniec- Haha, Swayze last year was hilarious.
Aaron Kosarchuk- Aaron! You musical person! It was great knowing you since, what? 1st grade! Yup :)
Tara Kurihara- OMG thank you for all your help this year! You SUPER SMART, SUPER ATHLETIC, SUPER FRIENDLY girl! Your help and support has meant a lot to me!
Jessica Lai- Aw, it's been GREAT knowing you, I'm so glad you were in my science class, that's how we met! You're a great basketball player, show off that skill in freshman year :)
Anna Larina- My pretzel supplier! And a Hirsch buddy. Awesome. Math was hilarious. Pinky the dancing eraser! LOL.
Samantha Leal- You were like such a close friend when we left Hirsch! It's been awesome spending time with you these past 2 years, and I'll enjoy it in the future too!
Christine Lee- Man, you and your miracle shots! Yeah, I still remember :). Ooh, great job on the team this year! And thanks a BUNCH with all that help on homework.
Lexi Letona- PGA was awesome, thanks to you! You worked really hard in ASB, and were super nice to everyone you knew. That's why you have so many friends :]
Aaron Leung- Man, youre the older one! I will always remember that, haha!
Ryan Leung- Oh geez Ryan! Omg, your weird eyebrow thing! And all your movies from English, your scream cracked me up. That Monroe project in history was awesome. See ya next year!
Rachel Li- Ah, the Grudge! Man, that was SCARY. Haha! I'm awesomely glad I met you this year. Whee, it was so "fun", the stuff we went through :p haha. See ya after summer :)
Susan Li- Best secretary EVER. Haha, and so funny! Always craving food! So I'm not alone :) I will so see you next year!
Laura Lieu- Hm, I barely know you, but its pretty evident you're a sweet person who is loved by everyone!
Stephanie Lim- Wow, I heard about your trip during Winter Break near the tsunami. I'm so glad you're ok! And I dont really know you all that well, but I'm just glad you're safe.
Tiffany Lin- Another really sweet person that I had a pleasure meeting! Yay.
Yu-Hsuan (or Lin?)- You are one funny funny kid. Keep everyone laughing, it's really entertaining.
Johnny Madrigal- I loved your Midsummer video! Great acting, you guys! It's cool that I became your "acquaintance". I'll see you in high school!
Stephanie Magana- Hirsch was really memorable! Your sisters, too! Aw. See ya in high school!
Sunya Mahmod- Haha, that party at Chandni's was fun! I'm so glad you and I are friends, I'll see you freshman year!
Louis Manos- Haha, remember? I'm your mom! And Stephanie's your sister! Funny times. Haha, see ya.
David Martin- Next time we run a mile, are you going to shake my hand and introduce yourself in the middle of it? LOL. Oh, and take care of your pe shorts :p
Shelby Matsuoka- Hmm, the mall was GREAT. Haha, See's Candies samples! I had tons of fun, and I got to know you better throughtout our 2 years at Horner. You are one super considerate, honest, and hardworking girl. I expect to see you in the Olympics.
Ashley McBride- I will ALWAYS remember how you and Victoria fuzzed your hair when we were getting ready for Mardi Gras Madness. And you always dancing around in ASB. Haha, Ashely, keep that pumped up spirit throughout highschool!
Sonali Mehta- Hey, SonaLAY. Hahaha. :) Dude, we had such a good time this year. It was a pleasure getting to know someone like you. You turned out to be someone I could share anything with, and always stuck up for me. I'm always here for you, see you over summer for sure, and we'll have the coolest time next year.
Lacey Mendez- You are one PUMPED UP girl, always with a smile on your face, and super sensible. Meeting you was definitely a highlight of my year, because not only are you interesting, but you really care about everyone, deep down inside! That's a great personality that will help you out in high school!
Rajan Mittal- You know what cracks me up? Your "special Gupta raps" and bing chung stuff. And your indian accent. It even had my MOM fooled. Next time you call, make sure my parents aren't home, haha! Oh, you're like super fast. 6 minute miles? Wow. Rofl, 2nd member of the Fab 5. Dude, funny times. Haha, keep looking for those class 1 girls! Good luck, haha!
Kenta Naoi- Gotta give you props. You worked REALLY hard in ASB this year. You rocked 2004-2005 as president, and you put together a successful, first talent show. Plus, you have like amazing acting skills! It was awesome accompanying you as MC. I really enjoyed it. I opened up a little after that, because I got used to crowds and audiences. Good luck with whatever you choose to do in the future, I know you'll pull it off.
Megan Nardini- Kritigan! Remember? Haha, my one and only twin :). So pretty, smart, and funny. Speaking of funny, we had some funny times! I hope I'll see you in high school!
Brittnee Neuman- It was nice meeting you, and even though I dont know you all that well, I've heard you're a super nice person, and I hope we have fun in high school!
Alan Nguyen- Haha, PGA was super fun! And math was hilarious. Good times, Alan, good times!
Lisa Nguyen- Aw, lets see, you were in my PE class, and on my bus for PGA! I got to know you a little better, and that was cool, because you're a really wonderful person!
Phi Nguyen- Ohh, so smart Phi! Most academic too! Congrats! Glad I met you, you are one cool guy :)
Stephanie Nowicki- Oh dear, is there anything we HAVEN'T been through together? You have to know I consider myself REALLY lucky to have a friend like you, who can give me an honest opinion about everything and not make me feel negative about it. That's a really strong point that not many have! You are super pretty, talented, and have a great heart, and you deserve the best of the next 4 years in your life.
Tyler Ouimette- Your talent show act was COOL. And ASB was awesome with you there! See you next year!
Ronak Patel- Ooh lala, Ronak. Your movie in Midsummer with Devika was so ;). Haha, see you next year. You fob.
Katie Powell- You and Tyler did a really good job in Sports.
Salman Qasim- Haha, your stories from Core and english were really entertaining.
Trevor Ramos- We couldn't have ASB without you. You put the "rit" in Spirit. All your crazyness, haha. I think we will all remember.
Victoria Reardon- Your planning for the dance showed how much dedication you have. Along with Ashley, kepe that happy, cheerful smile on your face!
Patrick Reyes- Haha, you made a really good Treasurer, and I guess that's one of the reasons the school year went so smoothly. Have a great summer!
Navya Ryali- Aw, I miss you already! Even though we didn't really talk, school was cooler when you were here. I hope you're having fun in India and meeting you again would be awesome.
Niha Seth- I only met you this year, and you turned out to be a super nice person!
Japna Sethi- Haha, remember being stranded at the Bart Station last year? That was funny. And this whole year kinda just whizzed by. I hope we stay friends in high school!
Ashwin Shanker- Dude. One word. Pervert. I think I should tell your mom. Jk :). It was great meeting you this year, science was fun. You ALWAYS messed us up on lab experiments, so I won't be forgetting you anytime soon. IM JUST KIDDING. Fobbiest fob ever. Well, see you next year.
Mishu Sharma- Wow, so smart! :) Thanks for all the homework help in 7th grade!
Monisha Sharma- Haha, paddle tennis buddy! Fun! You are one skilled player ;). Anyway, see ya in 9th grade!
Shirish Sharma- I met you on accident on AIM, but haha, you Carmen Electra obsessor! Geez! See you next year, and never ask me for a dollar again. Thanks for the homework help.
Stephanie Shen- So pretty, nice, sweet, and kind :). Knowing you even a little, I can tell you really deserve a great future and good luck in high school :)
Stephanie Shieh- Wow, we go all the way back to 7th grade, don't we :). Hey, it was awesome meeting you, I'm glad! You were a wonderful friend that I could talk to about anything. Thanks :)
Stephanie Shih- You are so fast! Gosh, and a super skilled basketball player! Well, I hope you have a great time at Irvington!
Varun Singla- Man, history & english were HILARIOUS. You are the best staller ever. Haha, good times. Oh yeah, gummy bears from the dance! Haha! And you still have to show me that letter that you wanted to post online :(
Alex Soong- Geez, Alex. I helped you so much last year with your love life! We don't really talk anymore, but I know you'll do great as our president next year, have a terrific summer.
Ashley Steiner- We don't really talk, but I'm glad I always get hi's from you! Well, have a great time at Irvington!
Kelly Stoering- Our Monroe project rocked =]. And your house & your cats were super cool! See you around!
Corinna Su- Oh man. So sweet, caring, pretty, smart, and athletic! And no lie! You are one of those people who I see now, and immediately think you're going to succeed in the future, no matter what you do.
Ksheeraja Subramanian- Oh, Ksheeraja dear. Have we had fun or WHAT. Dude, you have helped me in every single way possible, and I really appreciate how you've been my friend and supported me in all my times of, happiness, and anger. Haha. Let's see. CREXY. Don't think I'll EVER forget that. Then, hmm, Desi Penney's, rofl. Shopping with you. The deal with the TEEPEE (oh my gosh, hahaha. *KICK UNDER THE TABLE*) O:) wow. We've been through so much, and I'm glad we share so much with each other. I love you, crexy. STARBUCKS provider!
Ginalyn Supnet- Aw, you moved right when I met you! I hope you enjoyed your new school, and good luck in whatever high school you go to next! Your friends are always here for you.
Sahil Takiar- Oh man. I can't say how GLAD i am we met this year. You're my best friend, remember? Haha, we had our share of good times & bad. Let me know how Harker treats you, cuz I'll really miss you, a lot. I'll bug you whenever you come online from now on, ok? Good luck at Harker, and no matter what happens, (it'll be hard living without you) I love you. :)
Teasara Thompson- Great job with the yearbook! History was hilarious, whenever you tried to steal someone's seat :) and english too, haha! You're a super athletic person that Irvington will be glad to have!
Kavya Thota- Aw man. My walk-to-school buddy. You just HAD to move right in the beginning of the year, psh. Haha, I hope Centerville is treating you fine. Good luck at your high school! Keep in touch, you always have me to talk to!
Joseph & Sam Torres- I barely know you guys, but you guys play your instruments in band really well, and are SUPER DUPER smart! I somehow don't have the gift of telling you guys apart :/
Quynh Tran- Yay, we had PE together! That's how I got to know you! I'm so happy we met, you really are a wonderful friend!
Amber Trendowicz- YOU SCARED ME WITH A LEAF. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Did we have a spiffy time in PE or what? All we ever did was LAUGH. Ohh, funny funny times that I will always remember. Geez, Amber. I hope we have classes next year!
Bela Veksler- Midsummer project was HILARIOUS. Ahh, Hermia & Helena pride! Fun times. Haha, you helped me out a lot this year, and you also made me a very happy girl :). Thanks for all that, keep in touch, and see you after summer!
Kristina Vicory- Dude! Haha, thanks for those pop tarts :). Haha, we had some funny moments ourselves. You and Beccah are hilarious. Can't wait to have those hilarious moments next year!
Dustin Wang- Lol, thanks so much for shouting embarrassing stuff at me from your carpool! Jk, haha. Oh yeah you always gave me 100% in Chiu, thanks. Hope you didn't mind Beccah calling you "monkey" too much :P
Kyle Wang- I had fun hanging out with you in PGA! See you next year!
Stacey Wang- Yay, I'm so glad I had the chance to meet you! Keep smiling, it brightens everyone else's day too! You talented dancer, and smart smart girl :)
Rebeccah Warmack- Chaboogie shaboogie. 8th grade was a recollection of possibly our toughest year yet. But I'm glad I got by and survived it, because of several reasons. The main one was because I had you with me. And I hope I always do. Throughout high school, throughout life. You are my best friend, the one I can talk to about anything, and the one that immediately rushes over to my house when she hears I have a problem or that I've been crying. You're always there for me, and I only hope I can be that good of a friend to you. Well, thanks to your family too, in supporting our family in our times of need, for caring for us, for being with us, for interacting with us. It really means a lot when I say to someone "Beccah is my best friend". Couldn't live without this girl.
Peggy Wu- Oh man, such a good singer, smart student, and loyal friend! These are the qualities that will take you far in high school! Good luck, and thanks for all the help you gave me!
JR Yonocruz- Haha, Swayze last year. Memory after memory, huh? I'll see you freshman year! Have a great summer!
Tommy Young- Or as Beccah calls you, "Tommy Tomato". Wow, wasn't math interesting? Kenta singing all the time, Tyler talking all the time? Haha, I'm sure you're going to remember that for a long time.
Courtney Zumwalt- Yay, it was cool meeting you in history. We did an awesome job with out Monroe project! I hope to see you next year!
non-Hornets! (Can't forget you lovelies!)
Katie Phan- We go back to 6th grade! You became a really close friend of mine, and even though we are in seperate cities, I love how we still keep in touch and keep each other updated about the others' lives. That's the power of friendship, and the one I see in you and me (I'll be honest)
is as strong as ever! I'm really glad I met someone as sweet & considerate as you, and you are one of the people I see as hardworking, dedicated, and DEFINITELY succeeding. Always keep in touch, stinky :)
Chitra S. (im sorry i forgot! :() Heyy, it's been such a pleasure knowing a fellow HP fan! You and I have that one fantastic thing in common called HARRY. :)I hope we keep in touch, you're a terrific friend!
Chirag Vasavda (sp?)- Hopkinds friend! Ah, you are probably in India right now, so i doubt you will read this, but it was great I met you this year. You have NO IDEA how much you've helped me out. Ah, thank you thank you thank you! I hope you can still talk on AIM once in a while. :)
Hmm, I think I'm done? Please tell me if I somehow forgot you, and I'll be sure to add you in. Ok, well. My years at Horner kind of whizzed by. But then, everything seems like it whizzed by once its over. I really wanna say, that I'm glad I could keep in touch with most of my Hirsch friends. We came a long way (mhm, right from next door!) and we were a really small school. (2 6th grade classes in all). So it was kind of like, WOW when I came to Horner, knew only the Hirsch people, and now that I look past my 2 years here, I think of how many close friends I've made.
The thing is, when I think about it, I could have gone to any school, and I would have made friends. But somehow, this school was special. The reason? It had each and every single one of you in it. If it weren't for this school, I wouldn't have learned how perverted we can get, how much drama we can have, how close to each other we are, how to have a secret life as a teenager if you're an indian, how much of a drag school can be, how much fun it can be when there's people there that care for you, how to treat people in a nicer way, how to be considerate & a good friend, but most of all... we learned how to relax, have a good time, and make memories.
And in addition, I especially learned how much each and every one of you mean to me, and if you and I had not met, things would be very different. That is NOT a lie. So yes, we are leaving Horner, ready for our next school, big Irvtown for most of us. I don't care how well I know you, but this goes for everyone. If you ever need ME, I'm here. Just give me an IM, a ring, anything. I will try and help you out in any way possible. It seems we are taking such a big huge step, but I know I have my friends by my side, and that's how I will make it through.
Only a couple days ago, I realized that all you Weibelians would have gone to Hopkins, had the boundaries not changed. I was oh so shocked, I couldn't imagine life with a few of you! That would truly have sucked. I'm just glad they changed the boundaries, because all us non-Weibelians loved having you with us. I can say that as the honest truth, too.
And yeah, I am going to miss each and every one of the people I got to know. Even if we talked once, or we talk non-stop every day, you guys have really made my life one to remember. You've supported me in my times of need (aw, my car accident :/) So once again, thanks. You are all like my second family. And yeah, i WILL miss you all, of course, some of you, even more.
I hope everyone has a fantastic time at the dance, a great time at the promotion ceremony, an awesome summer, and good luck in the future, where ever you go. You have my support. I think I should go before I start to cry. :(