The in-laws came for the day today. We had a turkey dinner and a very lovely chilled out day. Because we'd tidied beforehand the house is now clean and we have leftovers to eat. James is at a scout party so I'm watching X Factor and have hot chocolate complete with marshmallows. I also finished writing my cards today but won't be able to send them until Monday, so if you didn't give me your name and address and want to do so the post is
For the person who gifted me extra user pictures, thank you! I missed them but wasn't saying anything because when you do it looks like you're hinting for someone to buy, and I didn't want to do that, so just. I appreciate it so much ♥
That's all I have because now I'm giving myself a night off and have plans to go read all the fic in the world! Or you know, work my way through
drawn_to anyway.