(no subject)

Nov 15, 2008 10:48

Sometimes I'm the biggest idiot ever.

Last night I was wondering what to do with the two avocados I have. So, I went off to google recipes, except I had a major brain blip, and then spent ages googling advarcardos. I don't even know, okay? I knew it was wrong but it didn't click why until much later. Okay, so it was this morning it clicked. Really I should pretend this moment of immense stupidity never happened, but the evidence is there in all its cached google search glory.

The Fuck City Twitters delight me on a daily basis. Andy, keep twittering away, I love reading what you say.

Corey's off doing a scout scavenger hunt today. Many many scouts will be roaming the area in teams of six. They were sent off this morning with packed lunches, phones, a day long bus ticket and cameras and let loose upon the world. Goodness knows what they'll get up to. His group of scouts have won for the last four years, so they have a lot to live up to. So, fingers crossed.

James is at work too, so I'm catching up on my tv watching. I've seen NCIS this morning and think I'll hit Criminal Minds next.

ETA: Why are titles so hard? WHY!?
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