Chris Month Day 1

Feb 01, 2008 17:59

A week or so I posted saying I was going to attempt 29 Chris based ficlets for Chris month. This is the first one. It's intra sync, I'll ease into the weird pairings later *g* I doubt any of these will be beta read, they're for fun only, so if that's a problem step away from the cut tag.

If you do want to read, come behind the cut.

“I didn’t think you’d come,” Justin said, the words casual as if Chris being here didn’t matter at all.

Chris knew better. Time and distance doing nothing to diminish his finely honed ability to read Justin like a book. “What can I say? I had nothing better to do.” He raised an eyebrow when Justin kept looking at him, one hand against the frame of the door. “Aren’t you going to ask me in?”

Suddenly, like the inbred southern hospitality part of his brain had sparked into life, Justin reached for Chris’ bag. “Come in; are you thirsty, or hungry? I can order something, or there’s fruit.” Stepping back, Justin indicated the huge fruit arrangement that stood on a polished table. “Anything you like, man, I can get it.”

“How about telling me why I’m here?” Chris waited, watching Justin school his expression, closing off the thoughts that flittered so close to the surface.

“Is wanting to see you not enough?”

“I haven’t seen you for months, you text or email but don’t call, then suddenly you want to meet up.” Arms crossed, Chris looked at Justin, hating how awkward this meeting was, the deliberate lack of touch as they respected personal space.

Justin made an abortive gesture with his hand, moved a half step closer. “We need to talk.”

“So you book us into a hotel, the penthouse at that. You don’t need to impress me, Justin.”

“I’m not trying to impress you.” Anger bled through the affected calm, and Justin scowled at Chris. “I booked in here because I like it here, and newsflash, harsh surroundings don’t make things hurt more.”

Chris scowled right back “Your lack of logic astounds me.”

For a moment it looked like Justin was about to argue his case, then he sighed, shoulders slumping as he took another step forward. “I didn’t ask you here to argue.”

“Well stop saying stupid things then,” Chris said pointedly.

“I’m not,” Justin protested. Then, suddenly. “Remember before, when things went to shit.”

Chris shrugged; he had a thousand memories that could be described like that.

Justin prompted “The time with JC; and me.”

“I thought we agreed to never mention that again.” Almost a year later and the faint hurt still remained, strengthening Chris’ vow that he’d never attempt a threesome again. They were just too complicated, and gave you too much to lose.

“We did, but I’ve changed my mind, we’ve changed our mind.”

Tense, attention totally on Justin, Chris asked. “And by we, you mean?”

“I mean me, and JC.” Justin met Chris’ glare, never looking away. “Before, it was the wrong time, too many things happening at once. No wonder it ended like it did.”

“It ended because we couldn’t make it work.”

“It ended because we were all stressed and trying to hold too many things together.” Justin stepped forward once more; deliberately standing so he was close to Chris, but never actually touching. “I miss you.”

A thousand thoughts flew through Chris’ head, remembered fights and problems, but in the end it came down to one thing, he missed Justin too. It was instinct to take that final step, awkwardness fading as Justin folded himself down, fitting perfectly in Chris’ arms.

“While you’re here,” Justin said, his mouth close to Chris’ ear, his hands tight against Chris’ back, pulling him close. “JC?”

“JC, hmmm.” Chris drew the sound out against Justin’s neck. “Tall guy, skinny, used to sing with us.”

“Ass.” Justin laughed, his breath warm against Chris’ skin. “Seriously, we want to try again, but it depends on you.”

Chris pulled back then, needing to think this through without Justin so close, reminding what he’d been missing all this time. He ignored the way Justin was impatiently waiting, looked down at the carpet and Justin’s bare toes.

In the end it was an easy decision to make.

“I think you should call him.”

Justin smiled then, grin beaming and he pulled Chris into another hug, only stopping to snatch up his phone, flipping it open so he could call JC, telling him to come next door.


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