Thank you so much to everyone that responded to my need for new Chris fic.
runzu was a star and wrote me two stories, and I was sent new to me trickc stories that made me clutch my heart and announce I love you so much to the room. Please tell me it's not just me that does that. But I do love them. So much. When you read a OTP story that touches your heart you have to announce that love. Why coop it up?
Thank you also to everyone that commented on my popslash friending meme. I'm always worried that no one will comment and I'll look silly, but people did comment, lots of shiny wonderful popslash fans. I'd recommend people go look through the entry and friend if someone looks interesting. This fandom is made of awesome, and having popslash fans around you is a huge part of that. So
go, look, friend.
Which leads nicely to a big old hello to anyone that friended me. There's not much to say really. I'm just me, boring as all heck but with a lot of love for our fandom. I run
pop_newsletter and
pop_reference and try to do my bit as best I can. Aren't you glad you friended me now? *g*
Okay, so I have to share this now. You remember that I mentioned that
vaudevilles and I were thinking about starting a happyfic challenge? Well, we have! Go check out the comm
sparklyglee We're taking prompt requests and in a few months will hopefully have a lot of happy sparkly fics to reveal. You can ask for anything you like, people get five prompts so think of what you'd like to see. A story that would make you happy to read. Then ask for that and hopefully one of the amazing writers in our fandom will come along and write it for you. Couples, threesomes, poly, single, gsf, het, BSB, Nsync, that Kevin/Chris epic set in euro days you've wanted forever, ask away. Just, they have to be happy prompts because we're all about the happy.
Happy sparklyglee! YAY!