(no subject)

Nov 30, 2024 10:18

I had such a lovely surprise last night. Huge thanks to @misbegotten for the delivery. You are wonderful ♥

I was just reading about how Bob from MCR has been found dead. It's shocking news, with some sad details, so be warned if you're going to read the link.

While I didn't like how things ended with him and the band, he was still a huge part of my bandom fannish experience for a long time. So yeah, a shock to read.

Back to the last week.

Monday I was back to weight management class after not being able to go last week, and people asked where I'd been the Monday before. Not going to lie, it was nice to have been missed.

Tuesday we had to go select our new Motabilty car. You have to get a new one every three years, and we were a little behind picking which one we wanted with James not being able to drive to the different garages. In the end we've gone back to Vauxhall, and are getting the new Mokka. We both love the MG's still -- which Rosie is -- but the deposits for the scheme have rocketed and a lesser spec car to what we have now would have been over 2k deposit. So, back to the Mokka we go. Bye bye electric tailgate and electric glass roof, we'll miss you. Though, the new one won't be available until the end of Feb, so we'll have Rosie for a while yet.

Wednesday we were supposed to take Pauline out, but she cancelled due to having a chest infection. So, instead, James had a doctor appointment, then we headed out shopping ourselves. Mainly because we needed a new microwave as our old one developed a big hole in the bottom under the turntable, which seemed a bit dangerous.

Thursday, we took my MiL out for the day. We went to a local outlet place where I picked up some presents, and got

The Nutcracker was such a bargain, as The Range was already discounting their advent products to half price, so he was only £6. Then my MiL bought us the stag lantern.

Yesterday, James did a tip run for my in laws, then we had Bodhi for the rest of the day so Lucy and Kayleigh could go do their Christmas shopping. We went to MooBears, and I got to sing along and have a little swaydance with her when Mikey and Minnie arrived for photo ops. Then it was off to McDonalds for something to eat and to laugh at her being so excited about the Grunch theme *g*

Yesterday evening also included balloon shenanigans, it's James' 50th tomorrow and I asked Kayleigh if she could get me some number balloons. What she actually got was a freebie from Facebook when someone was giving away a 50 balloon display, and the things are huge. So, I had to keep James out of the way while she got them into the house. They're now in his craft room, because that room is always kept shut to keep out the cats. Which I thought was the perfect place as he hasn't been in there for ages. Except, today he intends to fix the toilet seat, which cracked the other day, so I'm keeping everything crossed he doesn't decide he needs something from that room.

Finally, Strictly did a lovely pro dance last Sunday, where some pros danced with guest dancers, and while I really enjoyed every pairing, the one with Nikita stood out. In my head, it's part of the rooftop universe, where he's now moved on from dancing in his hoodie to an open shirt. Obviously, while trying to make rooftop!Vito jealous. I feel they had a brief fling, happiness on the rooftops and amongst the washing lines, then Nikita went off to dance school, dancing with other guys, but always yearned for those simpler days.

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