(no subject)

Sep 08, 2024 15:16

I haven't had any Bodhisitting duties this weekend, and today James is off being an ambulance service representative at a country fair -- by which I mean along with two other people he's handing out balloons and pens and showing people the ambulance -- I hardly knew what to do with myself! Well, I lie, one thing I have been doing is finally tackling my inbox, tidied the house, and have watched four episodes of the latest season of Station 19. Thoroughly depressing myself in the process, because really show, it's okay for some happy things to happen at times.

Actually, I won't be Bodhisitting again until Tuesday, and even then that will only be for a few hours. Saying that though, Friday was supposed to be a few hours then Kayleigh's shift start got moved to 10, then she asked if I could come earlier so she could nip to the shop first, so I ended up there at 9.

So yes, a free day with just me, the cats and the internet. Excellent.

With James being out today, our usual grocery shopping was moved to yesterday. We ended up at Company, which has had a refurb and is looking very spiffy. And also Lidl, where we came out with a little ice making machine. Not what I expected to be buying at all, but it was in the half price sale, and James' meds make him run hot, so he's constantly using ice in drinks, so it seemed a sensible buy, and has been used lots already. I have to say, scooping out ice is much easier than popping cubes from the trays, though I keep thinking the cats have knocked something over when the newly made cubes fall into the basket.

Last post I said it had been a good day, and it had been. It was one of the lovely, golden, late summer days. James was off work, I wasn't needed to Bodhisit, so on a whim we decided to sign up again for the Gateshead Wheelers, a cycling club that has a lot of modified bikes that can be ridden by members with disabilities and their carers. We were members before, but then lock down happened, the club shut for ages, and then surprisingly, reopened based in the park in our town.

It was just one of those things we kept meaning to do, and on Wednesday, we finally went again. The booking system has changed, before they had all the bikes out, and you could swap and change to ones that suited, now you have to pick which one you want when you book a session. Which is why I didn't cycle this time. Instead, we headed for the park, James had a trike with raised handles fitted exactly to him, and we headed for the field and cycle tracks/mini roads, that are used by the club.

James loved using the bike, and I walked circuits of the track, and it was just nice, golden sunshine, warm, with that first hint of autumn in the air. Then, after the hour session, we had a bit of a walk through the park and then headed off to Beamish open air living museum for the afternoon, as the tickets we got last visit are valid for a year.

The old cinema has opened since last time we were there, and they've made such a good job of it. It was a lovely visit and a lovely day. Which is good as it's been that horrible misty rain every day since.

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