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Jun 23, 2024 14:58

I actually managed to watch Doctor Who in real time last night, no big spoilers, but I enjoyed the ep, and am sad the series is already over.

Yesterday, my Pixel Buds Pro arrived. I didn't think they actually would, as they were a freebie with my phone, and you had to jump through a few hoops to get them. Only able to claim in a specific time period, send proof of purchase, phone device info etc, all understandable wants, but it's been so long I was starting to think they would never arrive, but yesterday they did. Now I'll be able to have music when I'm out walking.

Kayleigh, Lucy, and Bodhi jetted off to the Canaries on Friday and are having a great time, with a few two-year-old tantrums thrown in. I had an unexpected all day Bodhisitting day on Thursday, then she was dropped off at my house for a couple of hours Friday morning while the mams got last minute stuff and packed the car with the cases. Then we all went out for a late breakfast before they headed for the airport.

Cat sitting is going well so far, and I'm getting into the routine of feed, clean, meds, and attention. Which is important as even Megan came to see me last night, and usually she doesn't do that. Also, giving thyroid meds via the ear is so much easier than pills. I wish Tinker had been offered that back in the day.

The weather has turned very warm, and it's supposed to be the hottest day so far tomorrow, which is a busy day for me with class at 11, then Lymph appointment at 2, then B12 injection at five, plus two cat visits. But, it's supposed to be nice for most of this next week, so we'll take advantage of James' annual leave and get out on some day trips from Tuesday onwards.

I also intend to take a sundress to change into after class, because the gym/walk in centre has a lovely café attached to it, and it seems pointless to come home to eat when I can use the changing rooms, grab a quick lunch and then head off to the next appointment. Especially so as Rosie's class always overruns a little.
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