(no subject)

Feb 16, 2011 13:18

Does anyone know what's up with all these community emails LJ is sending? My in-box was full of them this morning. Thanks Den ♥

I finally got to see Black Swan yesterday, and man, that is one intense movie. We also did a load of shopping, including two new outfits for me, went to Lush where one of the assistants came charging over asking if I'd been spraying perfume because something smelled gorgeous. He had a sniff of my wrist and as a result I ended with a solid Karma perfume. Which yeah, I know it's their job to sell but the staff there are awesome. Went grocery shopping, then home and had a giant, delicious chicken stir fry, then another two hour bath. I really need to take my watch into the bathroom because I keep getting caught up in my books and coming out of the bath hours later looking like a giant prune.

This morning I've already been to the dump and picked up the stuff for another stir fry, a quorn one tonight though I think. I also have a pineapple that's crying out to be chopped and eaten. Om nom nom.

To end, the WIP meme. In the interests of full disclosure, until very recently, like, when I decided to do this meme recently, none of my wips had titles at all as I'm the most disorganised ever. But now they have them, after opening many old documents to find out what the hell they were. Which was interesting, especially when I found snippets I couldn't remember writing, like a paragraph of something from Lindsey's POV and Mikey wanting to be the best kind of mermaid. Which really, I'd say it wasn't mine but the fact that I've actually written a full story on those lines mean I can't deny it.

Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. And as others have said, ask me about one and I'll tell you something about it or post a snippet.

Sex slaves in cages! Sequel!
Porn battle waycest attempt
F/M kink meme fill
MCR supernatural funeral home au
pink jeep verse ryan
de-aged Mikey
f/m hooker fic
panic get adopted by the ways
mikey/frank now fic

ETA:I wish it was better quality, but this picture keeps my hope going that one day Mikey will do a full back bend. And then I'll die.

Also posted at Dreamwidth. Reply where you wish.

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