You've rolled out a new format/user interface for YahooGroups. I'm not happy that I can't adequately moderate.
Efficiency is the word of the present, and YahooGroups is no longer EFFICIENT.
This is just my list of problems that I've come across so far with Neo:
- "About" should be on the main page; that is where you learn right off the purpose of a group.
- Cannot edit pending posts.
- Cannot reject pending posts with a reason why you are sending it back to them.
- Too many mouse-clicks to get to desired area of Group - the more clicks to accomplish a task, the less people will use it (see, "efficiency" above). People want the shortest route to get things done. It's a good thing you don't design sites that have donation forms; I work for such a place that has one... our donation form is one click away from anywhere on the site and has the fewest steps possible to get that donation.
- Cannot search by username or email in the archive - who the hell remembers a post number??
- Despite formatting of a post, it is one big paragraph.
- Cannot easily search post activity log - I need to easily search the last week of postings without scrolling down to have a page of a week's inclusion.
- Pending member list does not list their email address, only ID - unhelpful when matching up pending member responses to their request so we can approve them.
- Files - edited an existing file, selected Save, and it was them empty.
- Default Pending Approval area is Photos - should be Messages, that's the main activity of most groups.
- The UI is not user-friendly, especially for older or visually impaired/blind users who use browser assistance - ADA compliance anyone?
- Viewing pending messages results in an inline pop-up - most people hate pop-ups in general.
- When managing to approve pending messages, one has to refresh the page in order to open up another - what was wrong with approving and going to the next pending message?
- Header image WAY too large and unrelevant. Replacing with my own results in a stretched version...and I don't want to redo it.
- Do not need to see a list of my joined groups ALL THE TIME - a drop-down to see and/or change groups would not be objectionable.
- We do not need Topics AND Messages AND Trending. Messages and Spam are the only sections needed. Seriously. The option to include the other two if the group has a need is not objectionable.
- Having to click "More" for the rest of the menu items - another extra step/click.
- New files - no option to notify the group of it's being added.
- Send reply to sender is being overridden and sending replies to the list. We have that set that way for a REASON.
- One too many times asking if I want to save something.
- Main Yahoo ID is now being linked to all groups rather than secondary profile(s) I set for specific groups. I did that for a REASON.
- Messages with quotes and apostrophes being changed to "'" etc.
- In the Files section, folders are not at the top of the list. Are your file managers on your computers set up that way? Didn't think so.
- It takes me FOUR times a long to accomplish what I need to when moderating, if I can accomplish something at all.
And, here's the kicker - NO ONE likes it. I have not seen one convincing post that anyone likes the new format. Not ONE. Have you taken a serious view of your own feedback forum?? Take a look: I've taken it to Twitter and @YahooCare is "happy to help" and wants me to follow them so we can DM to "facilitate help." I've told you the only way to help is to return the Classic format. That will be the biggest help you can offer.
You thank us for being "great customers", yet you screw us over by foisting a poorly functional UI indiscrimately on your users. If I wanted a Facebook feel, I would move my groups to Facebook. Guess what, I don't; the better interface was the way it worked before Neo. It was easy to use and we could guide members who aren't as internet savvy or older to use the groups, now....we'll likely lose members because they won't be able to easily find their way around with the ease-of-use left menus for the group being viewed and moderators won't be able to adequately help them.
Right now, I have deleted a couple smaller groups and am seriously considering closing my largest group of 18,000+ members (and I know there are larger ones out there) and leaving YahooGroups. I don't feel like a valued customer, and neither does any other person I've seen comment about it. And you know what happens when you lose customers? You lose money.
If you're a YG user and want to voice your opinions(s), these can get you started:
Trefis, a stock info site separate from Yahoo: Feedback:
@MarissaMayer (Yahoo Pres./CEO/Head of I Don't Give A Shit What People Want I Know Better Dept.)