May 21, 2006 11:39
today i talked to emily alot. i havent really done that in a while. i miss her. she was my bestest best friend on the entire planet and i wish things hadnt gone about the way they did. but thats all in the past now i guess. aaron almost cried when he was talking to me last night. apparently he's really worried about me.. like about me getting pregnant or somthing. but i already know what i'll do if i end up pregnant. i'll carry the baby to term because i dont beleive in abortion. and then i'll give it up for adoption. becuase i know i cant take care of a baby right now. and i wont drop out of school or anything like that. because that would be bad. im looking for a job. so that i can A. start saving money so that i can have stuff for school next year. and B. have a job so that i can get an apartment as soon as i can. yeah... so i need to finish filling oout aplications. and stuff. tonight im babysitting for the braibishes. they pay well. so at least i'll have money's to but a new shirt or a new bra or some underwear or somthing next time i go to wal mart or hot topic. i find it really sad that i have to be buying my own clothing and stuff. my families or parental figure people are suposed to be providing for me untill im 18. im only turning 16. its stupid. oh well... if i go to wal mart.. might as well pick up some condoms too. or convince my grandmother to let me go on birth controll for "acne problems".