OOC: Siren's Pull App

Dec 26, 2010 15:07

Player Information

Name: Ana
Age: 20
AIM SN: AnakhatheSilver
email: kokorotaka@yahoo.com
Have you played in an LJ based game before? Yes-Splendorocity, Queen of Hearts and Vatheon as other characters, Anteceded and Disney Academy as Ansem, Seeker of Darkness
Currently Played Characters: N/A

Character Information

Canon Source: Kingdom Hearts
Canon Format: Video game
Character's Name: Ansem, Seeker of Darkness/Xehanort’s Heartless (former is an alias)
Character's Age: Unknown; well over the age of fifty, probably closer to his hundreds when including his life as Master Xehanort

What form will your character's NV take?
A hand-held computer in the shape of a Heartless insignia which flips open to protect the keyboard and screen.

Character's Canon Abilities: Ansem has numerous abilities. First, there are the abilities all Heartless have. That is, traveling through corridors of darkness freely to move between worlds and locations within the world. They can also steal hearts by reaching into someone and pulling it out, thus both feeding and multiplying. Ansem, however, has many more abilities as a unique Heartless. He can summon his Guardian, something tied to him, to defend himself. This being can be temporarily detached from him to attach to his enemies to slow them down by draining their health or even holding them. When attached to Ansem, it can swipe at nearby enemies or block attacks. It can also fling circular discs that cut when they hit.

Ansem himself, meanwhile, can create barriers around himself and hover as well as create blasts of darkness. He can send his Guardian out to attack by sinking into the ground and firing up rapidly from beneath, or use it by summoning it in front of him and charging in a straight line to cause damage.

He can summon Heartless, to an extent. Usually only smaller groups of Lesser Heartless, or one or two Greater Heartless (like a single Darkside). In Siren’s Port, this ability can be limited to only small groups of Lessers (such as about five Shadows, or a singular Green Requiem). His Guardian appears to be a part of himself, so it would be outside of this summoning. It’s only called out for battle anyway.

Finally, Ansem himself has the unique ability of being able to possess humans without taking their heart so long as they open their hearts completely to the darkness and thus him. However, someone with a strong will can force him down into their heart and keep control of their body. Otherwise, he will use darkness to remold the body to his own form.
Weapons: He normally doesn’t wield one, however, he has used a polearm in one form.

Character History: Wiki links because this guy covers three different people.
Point in Canon: Post-Kingdom Hearts 2; Ansem has been trapped within Riku’s heart for a year, since he was defeated within the halls of Castle Oblivion. His power has been used by Riku, however he himself had been weak and nothing more than a shadow of his former self. When the machine DiZ was using exploded, he was cast out completely. He has since then been waiting in darkness for his Nobody’s defeat so that they may become Xehanort again.

Character Personality: First and foremost, Ansem holds knowledge above all else. He ridicules Sora for not knowing anything, then turns right around and calls any attempt at learning a meaningless effort-perhaps because he knows that the Heartless are about to attack and ravage the islands. His thirst for knowledge is also evidenced in the reports, particularly in Ansem Report 10 where he states that, in order to learn of other worlds and all the knowledge they hold, he is willing to cast off his frail body and become a Heartless himself.

He is also a ruthless and manipulative man, stringing Maleficent along as a tool and mocking her after her fall. He also uses her as a means to prime Riku and twist him around into a proper vessel, opening himself to the darkness and thus Ansem himself-all so he could hold the Keyblade in his own hands, something he couldn’t do without a human body as Heartless are instead destroyed by it.

He views everyone as a tool or something that can simply be sent to slaughter-fodder for the endless numbers of Heartless under his command. He shows this especially once Kairi has fulfilled her purpose as a Princess of Heart. He approaches her, stating that her purpose has ended. His intention is quite clear: she no longer needs to exist, and he is willing to destroy anyone in order to be rid of her. And when Riku blocks his path from within, he sends Heartless after her.

Ansem is also vain. He states that he knows all that there is to know, and cannot see how he can be defeated by a mere child. He also wears clothing in such a way as to display his form. He is finely dressed, hair slicked back instead of left to fall in a mess, and he holds himself in a way that suggests pride in his appearance.

He is also a very cruel person, and very good at seeking out weaknesses through observation. When he seeks to possess Riku’s body, he uses the boy’s envy against him. Words are twisted, charm applied and charisma used to lure him in. Meanwhile, when he fights against Sora, he’s constantly berating the boy and trying to wear him down by telling him that he will not succeed because darkness conquers all-a truth Ansem believes in very much.

He has a tendency to speak in a low, nearly monotone voice until he gets worked up. Smugness is likely to be found in his tone, and if he’s berating someone or claiming triumph, his voice will change pitch. His arms are usually crossed over his chest, however, he’ll often use hand motions to punctuate his speech.
Character Plans: Pretty much, he’s going to stir up trouble. Probably going to add to the horror aspect a bit, spread his own brand of darkness and screw with minds. This is the kind of environment where Heartless flourish.

Appearance/PB: He flaunts what he has!

Writing Samples

First Person Sample

[The feed flickers to life. All that appears on the screen is a silhouette thanks to the darkened room. Eyes are the only thing visible, glowing in the darkness and illuminating deeply tanned skin. Those from his universe may recognize either to glow or him: the Heartless King has risen, and he is in Siren’s Port.]

This world carries the heavy scent of darkness. It lingers in the air, even in the midst of daylight, and it grows heavy to the touch and on the tongue. It fills each and every corner of this dismal place. Such a pleasant thing. Much more soothing than the scathing light of the worlds I have ventured to. I feel I shall quite enjoy this place. At least, that is, until all hearts present return once more to the darkness whence they came.

[A very brief pause as he tilts his head ever so slightly.]

I wonder how many hearts will I consume before this world is overrun by Heartless?

[A deep, ringing chuckle is heard now. After a moment, the feed suddenly cuts out.]

Third Person Sample

To suddenly be aware of oneself after so much time spent as just a shadow of one’s former self, trapped within the heart of another, is a strange feeling. He flexes his fingers, stretching the arm out in front of him. It falls to his side, and he takes a look around him. A strange world… And yet, it is saturated with darkness. He is far too used to worlds soaked in light, for this old baseball diamond is truly a breath of fresh air. It is not a strong darkness, but subdued as if waiting for something. Either way, it is enjoyable and far better than the state he has been in for the past year.

He takes another look over the baseball diamond before taking a few hesitant steps forward. Good, he can still walk on his own two feet. But that’s the least of his worries. Crossing his arms over his chest, he begins to float a few feet off the ground. Good. His power to do that at least is intact, and he’ll test out soon enough if his abilities to travel the dark corridors remains. But first… There must be a place to gain information here.

!sirenspull, !ooc, !application

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