OOC: Anteceded App

Dec 12, 2010 09:10

One who knows nothing can understand nothingPLAYER

LJ USERNAME: higenshi
AIM/MSN: CrazyPhoenixGirl, sharpshooteryazoo@hotmail.com
EMAIL: kokorotaka@yahoo.com


NAME: Ansem, Seeker of Darkness (Xehanort’s Heartless)
SERIES: Kingdom Hearts
TIMELINE: After Hollow Bastion, but before Sora arrives at End of the World
BACKGROUND: Wiki link!
ABILITIES: Unrestricted, he can summon endless amounts of Heartless, fire off whirling blades, teleport and send his Guardian to attack with blasts of darkness. His Guardian can move in front of him and he can charge his enemies. He rarely uses an overall weapon, but is shown wielding a dual-edged Soul Eater in his World of Chaos form.

Restricted as he would be, he will only be able to summon small amount of low level Heartless and call his Guardian to defend him.
Ansem is essentially the King of the Heartless. He is cruel and cold, no semblance of light within his hollow shell. He is charismatic, and can play the friendly helper quite well. However, he truly cares very little for anyone besides himself. Humans are either tools to be used, or simply to be devoured by the Heartless.

He is blinded by his own obsession with darkness-something all Heartless experience. His obsession also extends to power and knowledge, and he even once claims to “know all that there is to know.” Ansem looks down on ignorance, stating that “one who knows nothing can understand nothing” and berating Sora when he arrives in End of the World. Nonetheless, he is actually quite brilliant. He had been a scientist previously, after all.

He speaks in a rather cold tone, one that only changes when he has managed to triumph or he’s beating his enemies down verbally. Ansem also completely embraces the darkness, possibly why he’s kept his human intelligence and close to his original personality. He is not afraid to dirty his own hands, and managed to manipulate Riku for a majority of the first game-through Maleficent and by his own words. He takes delight in breaking people down and watching them mentally collapse.



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