Apr 10, 2011 20:23
Midterm break for the school I'm actually being assessed* at is in a couple of weeks, so Pukamon and I are headed back to Florida for the break. Not a volunteer or tourist trip this time, just staying with a friend to put some hours in at Disney. It's not much, but I like earning in USD, and it'll look good on my work record card. And thankfully, I arrive right after the madness that is spring break. I am so glad I'm not working there right now. You Americans on spring break? The opposite end of your spring break abandon is so stressful.
... I feel kind of bad about using my break for somewhat profitable work with tourists on the other side of the planet instead of more clean up work in Queensland or something, but it was booked quite a while ago. At least some of my paycheck goes to charity before I even see it. And I'll try and see if there are any [English: VoluntEAR | Japanese: employee volunteer] events while we're there. I wonder if Give Kids the World would take Pukamon; he's not bad with kids...
I'm also missing Anzac Day again. :/ I couldn't find any services around Orlando last year and my friends still there say they haven't heard of one either. Ancestors, I do appreciate the sacrifices you made in the wars, I swear. I bet I'll be scheduled on at work that day, so I'm already preparing for all the "Veterans' Day isn't until November" comments I'll probably get for wearing a poppy on my costume. It's not Disney Look, but neither is my hair and my old managers never really complained. Hopefully the new managers interning in my department won't mind.
* I'm taking Spanish at a different school from my diploma because my school doesn't offer languages, and it was cheaper to take the class without assessments. Less pressure that way, too! The downside is that this school's break is only over Easter weekend, but seeing as I'm not being assessed I don't really care about missing a couple of weeks of classes. Besides, I'll get to practice what I've learnt so far with native speakers once I'm over there.
(OOC: Anzac Day is the Australian and New Zealand equivalent of the American Veterans' Day and Canadian Remembrance Day, observed on April 25th, the day in 1915 that the Australia/New Zealand Army Corps (hence Anzac) tried to take Gallipoli and failed miserably. He's just transliterated rather than translated Anzac in the Japanese version of this post.)
events: anzac day,
work: disaster cleanup,
work: photopass