Feb 18, 2011 00:11
And after over a year, I'm home in Australia. It was fantastic meeting and/or catching up with some of y'all on the way back. Those of you I missed, maybe next time, yeah? And Pukamon wants more Digimon shenanigans.
I've already been back at school for a few days and I walked back into my old job at the supermarket. Since I'm going back to Disney I decided to do some Spanish classes at one of the local unis; that starts in another week so I've been getting ready for that too. Too busy to unpack everything!
It feels weird. I love being back with my family in a mutually familiar place instead of playing tour guide, and I really love having my dog back, but it's not as familiar as it used to be, not as easy to fit right back in. It doesn't really help that there's still some damage around town from the storms and that my old flatmate's family is still here.
It's worse than when I came back from exchange. But I guess I'll get used to it in time. And at least it's still summer here! I didn't waste the whole summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
Anyone else find it weird coming home after a long time abroad? How did you deal with it?
(OOC: Fun fact: This is actually the first time I've played Ash in Australia. He was on his exchange when I started out in old Digilife.)
school: tafe: photog,
places: melbourne,
family: troy,
school: umelb: spanish,
family: !general,
friends: flatmates: skyler,