Jul 07, 2004 22:29
i have the worst headache known to man. i am going to write a nasty complaint letter to the makers of advil. hah. today i went swimming at kaitlyn's which was fun because i had not gotten the chance to see her in awhile. i think we're going to do something tomorrow together because we are both completely bored this summer. there are a million things around the house i could be doing, but i'm lazy and prefer to sit around wondering why i am so bored. kerry and i made cookies last night. now that was a fun time. i thought i was the most horrible cook in the world unti; i saw her. she was ok with the making the cookie part, but as soon as we got to the frosting, she lost me. she apparently didn't like the idea of using a knife to frost the cookies, so she just used her finger and proceeded to "fingerpaint" the icing all over each cookie. it was priceless, but the cookies were not the most attractive. well, im going to go see if tylenol works any better. good night.