Organized Chaos (Sixteen)

Jul 25, 2012 19:40

Title: Organized Chaos
Author: Katie
Pairing: Jack Barakat/ OC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: “Yes. You're scared. And, I mean, you should be. I'm telling you that I'm going to be forcing you to face your fears. And that's fucking scary. But what I'm also saying is that I'm going to help you through it. So it's going to be fucking scary, but I'm going to be right there with you helping you through it...okay?” Jack felt calm and relaxed. He regularly felt that way around Wyatt, especially in the wee hours of the morning. “So?” Jack asked. “You up for it?”
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Sunny and I do own all members of Hyperinflated Illuminations. Thank you.
Warnings: Obsessive compulsive disorder, eating disorders, alcoholism

Wyatt relaxed back into the soft cushions of the couch placed in the back lounge of their bus. He smoothed our a crease in his sweatpants, gently swiping into his hand any eraser shavings that had been left over from him eliminating the last sentence he had written down. He shook his hand over the small trash can, watching the little black rubber pieces float down into it.

He had decided to take a break from Jack’s little amateur therapy sessions. Wyatt had been doing well, up until the previous night when an inebriated Jack tried to pull a partially drunk Wyatt into his bunk. Now, Jack wasn’t trying to be anything but a gentleman; all he wanted to do was snuggle with the smaller boy. But as soon as Wyatt entered the room, he was engulfed in anxiety by the mess. There was clothes strewn everywhere; on the floor, on the bunks. He wasn’t sure if half of them were clean or dirty. There was trash in the bunk, empty beer bottles and cans and food wrappers. He had cringed away, rushing off of the bus and onto his own safe, clean, organized haven. He also scrubbed everything down that night for good measure.

So now, he was inside his bus, writing to his heart’s content while everyone else, including half of his band, were outside continuing the party. Wyatt didn’t drink much. He didn’t particularly like it. He had been coerced into it by Jack, and even then it was only a couple glasses of the wine Jack had stolen from Alex. Jack, however, liked to drink. Along with the rest of his band. Which is what he happened to be doing at that moment in time.

Wyatt position his knee, using it as a makeshift table for him to set his notebook against as he wrote. He could hear noises outside, but passed it off as partygoers traveling over to All Time Low’s bus to have a few drinks.

He heard another noise, a soft tap on the glass of the window. Wyatt furrowed his eyebrows, glancing up. He heard another tink, and then another. He stood up slowly, confused as to what could be hitting his window.

He walked over to the window, peering out of it from the counter and seeing a small rock flying towards the window. He jumped, moving out of the way and hearing it hit the glass.

He looked out again, seeing Jack standing out in front of the window. He furrowed his eyebrows again, unlocking the window and opening it.

“What are you doing?” Wyatt asked, but Jack only held up a finger. He turned around, setting his iPhone down on the fence behind him. He hit a key, turning the volume up and making music begin to fill the air. Wyatt leaned forward, setting his forearms on the window sill as he watched Jack.

“You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you,” he started to sing, and Wyatt blushed, smile breaking out over his face. “You’d be like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived, and I thank God I’m alive. You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you.”

Jack swayed with the music, and Wyatt watched his face. His eyes slipped shut for a second before he opened them again.

“Pardon the way that I stare. There’s nothing else to compare. The sight of you makes me weak, there are no words left to speak. But if you feel like I feel, please let me know that it’s real. You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you.”

The tempo of the music sped up slightly, as did Jack’s hips.

“I love you, baby, and if it’s quite alright, I need you, baby, to warm a lonely night,” at that, he wrapped his arms around himself, shimmying slightly and making Wyatt giggle. “I love you, baby. Trust in me when I say: Oh pretty baby! Don’t bring me down I pray! Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay, and let me love you, baby. Let me love you.

“You’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of you,” he stepped closer to the window, reaching his hands up slightly. “You feel like heaven to touch. I wanna hold you so much. At long last love has arrived, and I thank God I’m alive. You’re just too good to be true. Can’t take my eyes off of you.”

He grinned, eyes sparkling and making Wyatt’s stomach swoop. He watched him move along to the beat, feeling his heart beat rapidly in his chest.

“I love you, baby, and if it’s quite alright, I need you, baby, to warm my lonely nights. I love you, baby, trust in me when I say: Oh, pretty baby! Don’t bring me down I pray. Oh, pretty baby, now that I’ve found you, let me love you, baby. Let me love you.”

Wyatt continued to smile down at him, even after the music died away. Jack grinned back up at him, and Wyatt blinked after a minute, looking down awkwardly.

“D-do you want to come inside?” he asked.

“Yeah!” Jack said, moving towards the door.

“Jack!” Wyatt called out. “Don’t forget your phone.”

“Oh yeah,” he said, walking back towards the fence post. He picked his iPhone up, slipping it into his pocket before walking towards the door of the bus. Wyatt left the back lounge, walking up to the front to unlock the door for Jack. He opened it, blushing at the way Jack’s eyes lit up when he saw the younger boy. “Hi!”

“Hello,” Wyatt answered, stepping aside so Jack could come in. Jack entered the room, going up the stairs. He was surprisingly not as drunk as Wyatt figured he would be.

Wyatt shut the door, wetting his lips and wringing his hands awkwardly. Now he didn't know what to say. Perhaps he shouldn't have invited the boy in so hastily.

"Did you like your song?" Jack questioned bluntly, and Wyatt smiled.

"Y-yes," he responded, a blush still dusting his cheeks. "Thank you."

Jack reached out for his hand, and Wyatt tried not to cringe away from it. Without warning Jack had threaded his long fingers through Wyatt's, and Wyatt couldn't help but melt at the feeling of his soft palms against his, with the contrast of callused finger tips running over the back of his hand.

"I like you," Jack stated, and Wyatt blushed furiously, eyes widening. Jack giggled, taking a step closer and looking down into Wyatt's eyes. "Don't act so taken aback. You're so cute."

"T-thank you."

"Thank you? Is that all I get?" Jack questioned, pouting.

"You're cute too," Wyatt answered, tongue almost tripping over the words. "V-very handsome."

Jack's face broke back into a grin, and he swung their hands together. "Thank you."

Wyatt watched their hands move back and forth, until Jack began to speak again.

"Can I ask you a question?" he asked.

"Yes?" Wyatt answered, looking up.

"Can I take you to dinner?”

“But it’s two in the morning,” he answered, making Jack chuckle.

“I didn’t mean tonight. I meant any night,” he said, and Wyatt’s eyes widened.

“Oh,” he breathed. Jack watched him through long black eyelashes, continuing to rub his thumb over Wyatt’s fingers as he waited for a response. “Um.”

“Yes? No?” Jack asked, watching Wyatt’s eyes and seeing a slight panic go on behind them.

“Y-yes,” he answered, and Jack watched his body language relax slightly. He grinned, squeezing Wyatt’s hand.

“Really?!” he asked, and Wyatt nodded. Jack pulled him into a hug, wrapping the smaller boy up in his arms. Wyatt stiffened slightly, the shock of another person touching him without warning stalling his muscle. But then he relaxed, slowly wrapping his arms around Jack and hugging him back.

chaptered: organized chaos, rating: nc-17, pairing: jack barakat/ oc

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