I Don't Care If It Hurts (Two)

Jul 18, 2012 00:19

Title: I Don't Care If It Hurts
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Alex was tired of his life. He tried to end it, but he failed.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack, Alex, or anyone in the lovely band and crew that make up All Time Low. They all own each other. Amen.


“Oh, Alex,” Alyssa moaned, rocking her hips against his. He looked away from the poster he was staring at on the wall, looking up at his fake girlfriend. Her blonde hair fell around her, laying on her shoulders. Her blue eyes were shut tight, mouth falling open as she moaned. Her D cup boobs bounced along with the movements of her hips.

Alex grunted, looking back at the wall behind her head. He bit his lip, shutting his eyes so he could pretend. Pretend the boobs were gone and replaced with a smooth chest. Pretend the voice crying out his name was just a little deeper.

“Alex!” she gasped, digging her manicured nails into his chest. “Oh fuck!”

He grunted again, feeling his hips buck up. The fire was burning deep in his groin, feeling his balls tighten as he grew closer.

“Mm, baby, you’re so big. Feels so good! Oh fuck,” she moaned again, whining and gasping. “So good, Alex.”

Her walls clenched around him as she came, the sensation shoving him over the edge. He cried out, eyes rolling back into his head and toes curling as he released into the condom.

Alyssa panted, dropping her head down to kiss his sweaty neck. He opened and closed his eyes a few times, breathing deeply to try and catch his own breath. He wrinkled his nose at the feeling of her sweaty boobs pressed up against his chest. He lifted her hips, hearing her whine as he rolled her over next to him. He sat up, pulling off the condom and tying it up before throwing it into the wastebasket by his bed.

He laid back, feeling Alyssa curl up next to him and drape her arm across his chest. She ran an acrylic nail along his chest, smiling to herself.

“You’re so good at that,” she said, leaning forward and nuzzling her nose into his neck.

“Yeah,” he mumbled, feeling her press her lips against his. She moved to deepen the kiss but he turned his head, letting out a fake cough to cover it up. “I’m tired, Lys. I think I’m gonna take a nap now, okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” she said, smiling gently. She leaned forward, kissing his nose sweetly. He gave a half-smile, watching her slip out of the bed and pick up her jeans before pulling them up her legs. “I’ll call you later, okay, baby?”

“Yeah,” he hummed, closing his eyes. He waited until he heard her leave before opening his eyes again. He checked his phone, checking the time. He had about two hours to nap before his mom got home. He put his phone back on the end table, grabbing his blankets and yanking them up and over his head.


“Alex!” the boy heard someone yelling, and he opened his groggy eyes as the a knock rang against the door. “Alex! Are you alright?”

“M’fine, mom!” he called out, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Alex! Open the door!” she called out again and he huffed. He stood up, letting the sheets fall from his naked body. He looked around the floor for his boxers, hearing his mother knock again.

“Hold on!” he responded, finding the light blue boxers and pulling them on. He opened the door, seeing her standing on the other side in her work uniform. He yawned, running his finger through his hair as he leaned against the door.

“Oh dear, are you still sleeping? Do you feel alright?” she questioned and he nodded.

“I told you, I’m fine. I was just tired so I took a nap,” he answered and she eyed him suspiciously.

“Okay, well I’m going to go start dinner. Don’t stay cooped up in your room all day. Go outside or something. Why don’t you call Alyssa and see if she wants to come over for dinner?” she asked and he nodded.

“Okay, mom,” he answered, moving to shut the door.

“I mean it, Alexander. Get dressed and at least come downstairs. I don’t like you locking yourself up here all the time. It’s not good for you,” she said and he nodded.

“Yes, mom,” he responded before shutting the door all the way. He crawled back into his bed, laying his head on the pillow and closing his eyes. His phone vibrated and he lifted his head, reaching out for it and flipping it open. It was a message from Alyssa, asking if he was alright. He sighed, knowing he had probably made her worry when he kicked her out after sex. Usually she would stay and cuddle, and Alex would grit his teeth and deal with it.

He replied, asking her to come over for dinner like his mom had ordered him to do. She responded a few minutes later, asking him to pick her up at six, followed by a smiley face. He rolled his eyes, agreeing and tossing his phone off the bed. Now he would have a wonderful dinner listening to his mom and his “girlfriend” burn through a bunch of topics he wasn’t interested in. Great.

He laid his head down, closing his eyes for a minute. He opened them again, seeing it was quarter after five. He scrunched his nose up, smelling himself and noticing that he still reeked of sex. He needed to take a shower before he went to pick up Alyssa.

He dragged himself off the bed, crossing the hall and shutting the bathroom door behind him. He turned on the shower, dropping his boxers and leaving them in the middle of the bathroom floor. His mother would pick them up later.

He got in the shower, letting the too hot water cascade over his skin. He washed himself off slowly, relishing in the feeling of the warm water. Showers were the only thing that Alex looked forward too. They washed away all of his cares, allowing him to almost completely forget everything that was going on in his life. If he could stay in the shower forever, he definitely would.

He dried himself off with his towel, dropping it on his floor. He pulled on pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt, beanie settling over his wet brown hair.

“Mom, I’m gonna go pick up Alyssa,” he called out to her, shoving his feet into an old Chuck Taylor’s.

“Okay, honey! Be careful,” his mother called back. “Oh, and pick me up a gallon of milk, please!”

“Yeah,” he answered, grabbing his keys and walking out the door. He climbed in his car, deciding to go to the grocery store first so he wouldn’t arrive too early at Alyssa’s.

As he was walking up the checkout counter he spotted a small bouquet of red roses. Shrugging his shoulders he picked them up. Alyssa would like them. Girls always like lame stuff like that.

“Buying something nice for your girlfriend?” the older woman at the checkout counter questioned, smiling as she rang up the flowers and milk.

“Yeah,” Alex answered, taking the money out of his wallet and handing it over to her.

“How sweet,” the woman responded and Alex nodded at her, taking his items along with his receipt.

The items were settled onto the passenger next to him as he drove. He glanced down at the clock, seeing he would be a little early. That shouldn’t be too big of a deal though.

He parked in her driveway, cutting the engine and picking up the roses. Alex stepped out of his car, walking up to the front door. Just as he raised his hand to knock he heard a strange, yet familiar, noise inside. He furrowed his eyebrows, side-stepping over to the window and peering inside.

He could see Alyssa sprawled out on the couch, his fellow teammate and “friend” Steven Jenson settled between her thighs. Alex’s mouth dropped and he felt a sharp tug in his chest. He looked down at the roses in his hand, tossing them onto the doormat.

“Figures,” he muttered, snorting as he shook his head and walked off the porch. He kicked a rock on his way back to the car, sighing. He may not have been sexually attracted to Alyssa, but he still had feelings for her. And he thought that she at least cared about him. Apparently he wasn’t good enough for her if she was off getting her kicks with someone else behind his back.

Alex sighed, starting his car back up and driving towards home. He tried to think of an excuse he could use to skip dinner and just lock himself back in his room. His mom probably wouldn’t go for it, but it was worth a shot. He wasn’t really up for talking, or arguing, anyway.

chaptered: i dont care if it hurts, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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