May 12, 2008 01:18
This is the first Mother's Day in a really long time that I wasn't seriously depressed. Its weird, but I'm sure its because I was still fucking drunk from last night. If I called you I'm sorry. I was on an entirely different agenda. I'm sorry if I told you I wanted to fuck you/your brother/your boyfriend/your h&m coworker. Okay maybe I'm not sorry since it was funny. Its kinda what I needed to get my mind off a bunch of shit.
Cut Copy was fabulous and I felt like such a little hipster fuck at the show. WVTS was way better than I expected, and M.I.A. was fun even though the crowd was kinda douchey. Saturday was a blur. The next 2 weekends should be just as fun. Its times like this when I really enjoy being me.
Things are looking up for yours truly. I've somehow managed to get another boy to like me, I've made some fabulous new friends, I'm ready to get my next tattoo, and my vinyl collecting plans are starting to piece themselves together.
Confession: I love Lindsay Lohan's new song and I'm not ashamed to admit it.