Veronica Mars
Right now, though, Veronica does have two things in store. First is that she's running for Council, so I really need to sit down at some point and figure out what her platform is and what she's going to say. As I said last time, she's starting to grow up and mature some, and that seems to go hand in hand with her desire to run, though that started six months ago. She says it's because she thinks there need to be more women on the Council, but really she does have that sense of civic duty and that idealism, buried underneath all the cynicism.
Second is Truthplot. She's the only one going in to Truthplot and she'll only be doing the first weekend. At this point, I'm pretty sure she'll be threading with Logan, for fighting fun, and with Sam, as well as possibly with Philip Marlowe just so at least something funny comes out of all this. I'm still trying to decide if I want to do this private or public. She's likely to figure it out pretty fast, being as how she's not very honest most of the time. It's not that she lies, it's that she omits and she self-deceives. I think it might need to be pretty contained, but I do want to see what comes of this and what the consequences are. I'm honestly not sure much will change. Like, I'm pretty positive fighting with Logan won't change anything. Even if she admits how she feels, it's nothing they don't already both know at heart and she's too sure that they're better off apart to do anything that would fuck up his relationship with Neil. As for Sam... I don't know. I really don't. She does love him, but she's so set in this idea that she can't trust him and it's really hard for her to break past that and trust him again. Like, she does on a superficial level, but not in any substantial way. It's just one of those things Manda and I will have to play out and see, I guess, which is the fun of this.
Other than that, I have no idea, but she sort of flounders around and stumbles into things, so I'm not worried.
Sacharissa Cripslock
Is getting married soon. We're still hashing out the details, but that should be happening soonish. I should get back to Scott on that. I also want to thread her more with Atonement pups and get her back to where she was in February, when she was meeting people and hanging out with people and just getting out. I don't know. A lot of her threads wind up getting dropped, and I know that that's just how things work out and people can't hold on to everything, and I don't resent that. It's just hard not to be irrational about it and wonder sometimes if it's her and she's just too boring for people to play off of for long or something. Meh.
Eden McCain
I don't actually have much planned for her right now. She'll be dealing with both Gideon and Penny for truthplot, which should be interesting, since they'll both be in it and she won't be and they'll both be dealing with some fairly difficult stuff. At the moment, though, she really is settling in. She's becoming very comfortable with where and who she is and with what she's got, which is nice but not particularly interesting. Still, she seems to muddle along in the same way Vee does and I'm sure I'll come up with things.
This week she's been really quiet and I think I'm going to have to drop several of the threads she has going because I've left them so long and can't seem to get back. Mostly I think this is just because Serena is ridiculously loud, but I might want to go back and do a canon refresh anyway, just because it really has been such a long time since I've watched Heroes. She's come a long way from there, so it's not like I need a refresh for personality, but it may help. That, and giving S some time and space.
Meredith Grey
I've been meaning to post her for a couple weeks now, and something or someone always gets in the way. There's new canon from last week and I have it, but I haven't watched yet, so I need to do that. She's just not one of those pups that pushes their way to the surface as much as the others (ahaha, she doesn't swim >_>). I do need to get her out and about, but for all that she's social, she's not really any good at making friends. Still, sometime this weekend, I mean to EP her in the Hub (with Tosh serving drinks, I think) and that'll be one way to get her out and talking to people. She still hasn't really dealt with Addison's disappearance.
Donna Moss
Mmm, Donna. I need to tag her into Vimes' post when this essay is done, because Ainsley suggested she work the IPD desk and I really like this idea. Also she needs a new gruff bastard in her life, since Toby's gone. Things with her and Josh are interesting as ever. I meant to tag her into Ainsley's EP last week, but I got distracted and never did, so they'll need to thread soon, too, because I like them as friends. Plus, on top of this, she's got Cutter's campaign to work on, probably an EP next week where she'll meet Lennox, and I'd like to find her someone to flirt with, mostly to make Josh jealous, since that's how they roll. She's a quiet sort, but there's a lot to do with her right now, so I don't mind. I like that about her.
Serena van der Woodsen
Loud, loud, loud, loud, loud. The plan right now is for her to meet two-thirds of the island. Off the top of my head she needs to meet: Sybil, Simon, River, Giselle, Anthony Blunt, Enjolras, Combeferre, Penny, Max Carrigan, Shari, Juno, Catherine Willows, Marie-Antoinette, Anne Boleyn, Devon, Rupert de Worde, Julian, Archie and Cecily. And then everyone else, basically. So, uh, plot or no plot, the opportunities with her are endless. And then I think she'll take to throwing parties (so she should meet Izzy, too, and Jaye and Gert and all the other teenage girls and also Jude).
In between all that, she's gonna be getting used to the island, dealing with Blair, missing Dan and trying to deal with not getting to go home, as well as the fact that her name means nothing here and she's like everyone else. She's pretty spoiled, but she doesn't realize it, so she's slowly going to start seeing all the stuff she took for granted and doesn't have anymore and it'll be a bit of a shock. Hopefully we'll be getting both a Dan and a Jenny in the next couple of months, and that'll just make her ridiculously happy. She's so, so loud right now.