Sep 27, 2005 16:59
Yeah, updates.. they don't seem to happen that much anymore huh.
I couldn't be fucked thinkin of shit thats been happenin lately. Friday
night i got pissed with Kiam, was pretty good, wandered round town like drunken
Saturday night went up to Port got Tom to drive me round for a bit,
caught up with Tiffany an this gay lad. Got drunk with them, i stayed at Tiff's
the night, we were supposed to go to church with her family in the morning, but
we were still pretty fucked up an decided against it. Got a message from Jud
whilst layin in bed with Tiff, started gettin 20 questions about it, pretty
amusing. Bummed around an watched movies all day then went home an slept the
rest of the day. Friggin Sunday night i couldn't get to sleep for ages, so
fuckin annoying.
Then last night, decided to cruise round to Tom's cause they were gettin
on the piss, i decided against it cause i had to work the next day. As i was
leavin Alex started being a complete fuck, Tom cracked the shits at him, Alex
took a swing Tom just through him to the ground an headlocked him until he
calmed a little, i left. Then i find out today Alex kept going, him an Shannon
end up goin at it and now he has a fractured leg cause Alex tripped/threw him
onto the concrete. Fucking tool. Some people just need to learn how to be
normal decent people in society..
I promise to try an update on the regular a little more, my bad.
check ya's