Oct 13, 2006 12:59
oh my. france.
i miss hard/demanding latin classes. thought i'd never be saying that, but after meeting the incredible .. um, disparity that marks french latin classes.. i miss having 100-200 lines of lucretius to translate in 2 days. i'm taking 2 sections of latin here, both in the highest level, but both in different areas (one's in UE and one's in L3, but god knows what that means). for the one in UE, we have a translation of 15 LINES due in 2 weeks, and what's more: they give us the translation with the latin text. our job is to "do a re-translation and compare it with the existing translation." people were actually freaking out that we were translating in class. and this was myth summaries like "and then theseus left her there." not poetry. the L3 class is more demanding, in that we have 25 lines to do in 1 week without translation.. god forbid. i talked with the teacher/head of latin, and was amazed to find that there are no straight reading-translation classes.
i'm sorry, but.. mm. no.
(oh, and andrea, don't say a WORD of this to the classics people at olaf.. i have the distinct fear they may just laugh and not give me credit for the 3 hours i'm taking :P)
i can only imagine what they do for greek. pshh.