1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. cookie. why? cus i fucking said so.
2. Am I loveable? mmmhm. in more ways than one.
3. How long have you known me? ten years baby. <333
4. When and how did we first meet? September of 1996. Mrs. Zinna is our matchmaker.
5. What was your first impression? "Have i seen that dress before?" kidding =)
6. Do you still think that way about me now? Actually, yes. Where have i seen that outfit? Oh, that's right, its mine. ;)
7. What do you think my weakness is? The fact that you let people walk all over you, and hurt you to no end, yet you still let them into your life. Tisk.
8. Do you think I'll stay married? Yes, happily. Unless you have an affair with me. Then no.
9. What makes me happy? Numerous things. Number one, me.
10. What makes me sad? Hmm, our heart to hearts by the fireplace.
11. What reminds you of me? Watermelons, and Parmesian Cheese/Joyce Leslie
12. If you could give me anything what would it be? A pair of underwear that plays music. Oh wait, did that already. Uhh..my hearrttt.
13. How well do you know me? Ten years worth of memories. Sometimes, a little too well.
14. When's the last time you saw me? Two nights ago. I miss you already.
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? Only one thing, but i'm sure you know anyway..
16. Do you think I could kill someone? Yeah, come on. The way you try and choke people, how i used to make fun of you..til my mom told me how you really could kill someone like that. <3
17. Describe me in one word. Taurus. Enough said. =)
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? Well we don't really have a friendship like that so i dont know. Whatev.
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? Mhmm. By my fireplace. When you're not eating fruit. Or playing that damned piano.
20. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you? Probably not, cus i'm cool like that.
cookie. why? cus i fucking said so.
2. Am I loveable?
mmmhm. in more ways than one.
3. How long have you known me?
ten years baby. <333
4. When and how did we first meet?
September of 1996. Mrs. Zinna is our matchmaker.
5. What was your first impression?
"Have i seen that dress before?" kidding =)
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
Actually, yes. Where have i seen that outfit? Oh, that's right, its mine. ;)
7. What do you think my weakness is?
The fact that you let people walk all over you, and hurt you to no end, yet you still let them into your life. Tisk.
8. Do you think I'll stay married?
Yes, happily. Unless you have an affair with me. Then no.
9. What makes me happy?
Numerous things. Number one, me.
10. What makes me sad?
Hmm, our heart to hearts by the fireplace.
11. What reminds you of me?
Watermelons, and Parmesian Cheese/Joyce Leslie
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
A pair of underwear that plays music. Oh wait, did that already. Uhh..my hearrttt.
13. How well do you know me?
Ten years worth of memories. Sometimes, a little too well.
14. When's the last time you saw me?
Two nights ago. I miss you already.
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
Only one thing, but i'm sure you know anyway..
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
Yeah, come on. The way you try and choke people, how i used to make fun of you..til my mom told me how you really could kill someone like that. <3
17. Describe me in one word.
Taurus. Enough said. =)
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
Well we don't really have a friendship like that so i dont know. Whatev.
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
Mhmm. By my fireplace. When you're not eating fruit. Or playing that damned piano.
20. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
Probably not, cus i'm cool like that.
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