(no subject)

Sep 09, 2010 18:33

catching up three days of this 30 day meme!

Day 01 - Introduce yourself
Day 02 - Your first love
Day 03 - Your parents
Day 04 - What you ate today
Day 05 - Your definition of love
Day 06 - Your day
Day 07 - Your best friend
Day 08 - A moment
Day 09 - Your beliefs
Day 10 - What you wore today
Day 11 - Your siblings
Day 12 - What’s in your bag
Day 13 - This week
Day 14 - What you wore today
Day 15 - Your dreams
Day 16 - Your first kiss
Day 17 - Your favorite memory
Day 18 - Your favorite birthday
Day 19 - Something you regret
Day 20 - This month
Day 21 - Another moment
Day 22 - Something that upsets you
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry
Day 25 - A first
Day 26 - Your fears
Day 27 - Your favorite place
Day 28 - Something that you miss
Day 29 - Your aspirations
Day 30 - One last moment


"Love is patient. Love is kind. Love isn't jealous. It doesn't sing its own praises. It isn't arrogant. It isn't rude. It doesn't think about itself. It isn't irritable. It doesn't keep track of wrongs. It isn't happy when injustice is done, but it is happy with the truth. Love never stops being patient, never stops believing, never stops hoping, never gives up. Love never comes to an end."
1 Corinthians 13

I know there are different types of love, and I know that most people won't totally agree with the Bible's definition of it, just because it's well, from the Bible.
This is the kind of love I'll always believe in though.


GOD UH my day yesterday was actually really, really bad DD: It only got bad during the afternoon though, when I had my communications class.
See, a few weeks before I had written this epic-ass essay about cross-cultural communication and in that class I got my essay back.
What surprised and shocked me was that the marker didn't grade my essay, on account of them suspecting I'd cut and pasted the entire thing. People who know me can vouch for me being able to write a perfectly academic essay, and the complaint of this marker was that, and I quote: "The voice of this essay is an academic one, and NOT one of our students."

Imma get on my soapbox now.

So apparently, because I'm in a foundation class and not a Diploma student nor a Uni student, and have an Asian name, automatically means I can't possibly be capable of being as fluent with the English language as any white Australian? I'm not pissed about the fact that I probably failed that essay (which I could have, since I concede that my referencing style was pretty le suck and not standard Harvard, that is totally my bad), I am upset that because I AM Asian and NOT a University student, then this automatically lowered this marker's expectation of my use of English in a formal academic essay. The entire comment reeked of blatant racism on their part, and the fact that they assume that 'oooh foundation students must all be foreign idiots' really riles me up, man. I hate that they are severely underestimating my overall ability to write coherently in English, of all languages. It's my first fucking language! Accusing me of plagiarism for an essay that besides the references and quotes is ENTIRELY MY OWN WORK is a massive, MASSIVE insult to me and my own intelligence. Who do you think you are? What right do you even have to assume these things? And this doesn't just apply to me, it also applies to my classmates who, I will admit are predominantly foreign, but God they are still capable of academic thought! This sort of racial and academic bias is really not something I expect from what I have seen is a very good, tolerant college system.
I am disappoint, son.
Very disappoint.

Ahhhh it's been a day already so my anger meter's gone from "murderous intent" to "'kay fuck this idc"... I am just going to do my best to show them I can consistently write like I know what I'm talking about next time. God. Whatever, man.


Me, starkmeup and estrella_blanca as little chilluns!! :'D
Been best friends since childhood, and don't intend to stop now. While I've since fallen a bit behind on what's happening with them (since I now live in Australia and both of them are still chillin' back in the Philippines), I wouldn't ever give them up for anything in the world! They made me believe that friendships CAN last for a lifetime.
I also have some of my greatest friends in the Layton Skypechat! You guys keep me well inspired ♥






wtf, irl: stupid, yaaay procrastination!, meme, anger!, irl: school

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