Aug 21, 2006 17:19
i've successfully wasted an entire day doing absolutely nothing. and it actually feels kinda a guilty kind of way.
I DON'T WANT SUMMER TO END!!! there's so much going on in the fall. i've been living for the most part a pretty relaxed lifestyle the last few months. enjoying alot of time with david. but now that fall's coming again we're both gonna be oober-busy. this past weekend we pulled 13 hour days working on the opening of my dad's school today. it was a good time. my dad kept the bar in his office (yes, he had a bar built) packed so we were drunk and happy the entire weekend along with all the's nice to see the school off the ground after all the work we put into it. it's incredible how fast the time has flown.
so fall. i'm goin back to ub doing international studies still and i have no idea what i'll be doing for work. david applied too late for ub so he'll be doin ecc and working at niagara. with any luck i'll just take my sister's position in the fall there. i'm real excited for all my ub friends to come back around. party party party!!!
i've been a bit of a wreck lately and i feel bad about it because david's had to deal with my moodiness. my family's been kinda shit to me for no reason. especially my dad. no, not kinda shit, REALLY shit to me. i cried alot. but i'm over it now. just gotta suck it up and move on.
i haven't really been up to too much else lately. just kinda been layin low and enjoying any sleep i can get. my friends have all been kind of douchebags so i just chose not to hang out with them with was ok at first, but anyone who knows me knows i can't just lay around all the time. i need to get back out and do crazy wild spontaneous shit. what i need more than anything is to TRAVEL TRAVEL TRAVEL!!! i sent an email to a thai dude w/ some english teaching program where we can go over for a year and teach english. i wanna do something like that. or go to the middle east. or russia. SOMETHING! i'm patient though. i'm enjoying being with david. he's worth the wait.
but anyways. we went to joe's house a few weeks ago which was AWESOME!!! joe's house and land is sooo beautiful. we saw emily too! that was incredible. we just picked up where we left off. she's coming with us to the red hot chili peppers/mars volta concert which'll be fun. also robert's looking at coming up in december too.
again, I DON'T WANT SUMMER TO END!! summer makes me feel so alive...and i just hate cold weather in general. i'm excited for my classes though, especially one i'm taking called "islam and democracy". it should be cool.
i wanna go see jen soon. if i get my new car by this saturday maybe i'll come see you on sunday. i wanna see the quazi-prom photos.
i've been wondering why i ever made such a big fuss about committment. it's really not that bad. it's actually pretty cool. given you find the right person. i'm diggin it.
peter's found a new best friend. david. i think he likes him more than me. david understand him in a way that i can't. i'm happy for peter in that he has an older male figure he can look up to and count on. i'm happy for david in that he's found a little kid he doesn't think is satan and actually likes.
i can't believe it's august. almost fucking SEPTEMBER!!! where'd summer go?
i'm not where i thought i'd be now. but that's not a bad thing. just different. maybe next summer will be totally different. it's exciting.
i've been having alot of thailand dreams again lately. it's brought back tons of memories i'd forgotten completely about.