(no subject)

May 26, 2007 06:40

i keep forgetting that i could upload photos here where it's so much easier instead of hotlinking from fluckr or photomuppet.

i havent slept since yesterday, so that makes total time of being awake to 30 hours. i'm not shaking yet so i guess i can stay up for longer. this is what happens when one has been struck with sudden motivation. been working non-stop which is always a good thing.

the keyboard situation is such a bitch. four keys are missing to remind me not to use them. instead, i'm hotkeying them to the pg up, down, home and # key. i have convinced myself and kriss that it's even better than before only because i don't want to fork out 60 quid for a new keyboard.

it also seems i have gone overbudget with details for the menu system of the game. this could mean slower frame rate. butt fuck it. i am liking how it is looking thus far. it isn't done yet but the game is playable. just need to add in the sounds, tweak details and bake for 23 minutes.

jess, i got your email. and i think the location for the photoshoot is excellent! we still need to sort out fabrics if only to rummage through vintage satin dresses. hee hee.


A Green Trafalgar // BldgBlog.
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