The Resource Post

Oct 21, 2007 17:57

So this is the post in which I do my best to give credit to all the wonderful brush/texture/tutorial makers who I've snagged from over time. Want great resources? Look no further than these people.

texture/brush makers: (newest additions are added at the end)
sinecure aibi dorky_duck soulkiller ghostarmy icons_with_love kamino canemae teh_indy quebelly eightyfour__ my_wonderful gender fluffy_monster _joni xonlyashesx gothic_nyx crumblingwalls coquettish _jems_ neke petit_pixel pale_septembre haudvafra toybirds tihana apparating discolore ewanism rip_67 graven_rose dusty_memories girlboheme leelarama infinitiva pixelfun loupiotte eveningwalk boutique magicaltrio charlieandi kiho_chan blueymcphluey profoundly_grey spooky_window samelthecamel bea_lost/onlydreamers sosmall_xx onecoldcanadian poisondraft metaspeshul babliz tove_91 metaspeshul world_dreams cielo_gris spooky_window textures_r_us snitch_golfer seriouslywir piemin tearjerkericons phaantasia mariarita @ italian_jewels rhcp_csi clouded_sun yunhe caoticgirl innocent_lexys fulminant8 chamberten lidia_elf 77_vintage mellowmint tralala_icons peak77 colourthehours @ vintageforest

graphic sites:
Behind Her Heart
Hybrid Genesis
More Adventurous
Obsession of the Moment
Rain Harbour
Static Romance

Can't Take the Sky
Pretty as a Picture
Screencap Paradise
Striped Wall
Such A Dork

additional installments for photoshop elements:
Element Heads

Please, if you think something of yours isn't being credited, let me know and I will make sure to fix it!

! resources

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