one week from last saturday. i can not wait till harry potter and the half blood prince comes out. except that i have to get it a day late cause i'll be out of town. im so pissed. i can't belive my mom forgot that it was comming out. ive been waiting to do the midnight party and barns and nobles for so long and now i have to wait till the last year. hopefuly i'll be in town for that one.
Summer school is almost over thank god. only problem im going to havasu right afterwards. a week with my grandma and dad great... not.. the only plus will be that my cousins are comeing too so i'll get a chance to get to know them. ive only met them once and they seem like really cool kids. i hope we get along.
trying to lose weight, not really working out for me. but i hope that i'll lose some in havsu cause my grandma has some equipment... very little food... and nothing better to do. so theres a plus.
have a new board check it out its for all ya harry potter lovers out there so yeah got to go ttyl