CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS THREATENED! FORD REFUSES TO BRAKE GAY SUPPORT!! WORLDS LARGEST RETAILER GOES GAY!!! I saw a printed copy of these three articles lying on my kitchen table today with a yellow highlighted section focusing on the number for Wal-Mart's corporate offices. Intrigued, I sat down to an upsetting read. When I was finished I called the number in a romantic attempt to congratulate them for doing something right.
And in the back of my mind I heard Bobby's voice saying "It's people like that who drive people further and further away from christianity"
After searching AFA's website for a forum where I could give them "an earful" on the rights of human beings everywhere and the hypocrisies of their self-righteousness, I found only links and pleas of boycotting the Ford company and leaks of corporate information encouraging more prejudicial protests.
So instead, I'm using the only medium that I have any control over. And ask that if anyone out there actually reads these words to spare a moment and at least read (or research) about the progress being made in California. Do what you want. (see top stories and explore)
or click on titles above