Dec 03, 2006 15:41
okay well things are going great but at the same time...i've lost a friend in the process of gaining a friend. Im confused im not hateful...but it all just hurts so much. I gained sarah. I love sarah. wow. i said it out loud. love. wow. why is it so easy to say to your friends and your family but it is fucking difficult to say to your partner. wow. I dunno. I am almost finished w/ my zine. thats a success...I dont think bianca is talking to me ne more. and frankly I don't t hink Im brave enough to seek her out and say hello do you remember me? IM lost. but I guess that chapter in my life is finished and I should be on to bigger and better things. but i'll miss her so much. Im scared. lost confused. I want to be a social worker now. what do you think? but i definitely need a lot of schooling. I need to figure out my life...or I'll spend the rest of my life working at subway. ohhhh hey your the subway granny....errr i don't think I'd be okay with that. Im scared of my future. it seems dark. Im immortal. I can't die....but I can take one step at a time and hope I don't fall into a ditch or dig myself a ditch. I really am scared even if you don't believe me. I may seem out going and sure of myself. but r3ally Im not. I'll be in cali in 14days counting down. are you? my present to you is me. and maybe I'l lread you some of my zine. I wont have a license i am 20years of age and cannot drive. my brother can bring me to tracy and thats as close as i can get to long will it take to walk. I can hitchhike too right? well.....I want to write more. a poem
things are so lovely
with the girl I call sarah
the same name I was born with the same name for life
not the same name people know me as which is skye
she's as beautiful as the setting sun
in the soft evening skye
she's amazing and keeps me laughing...smiling...giggling...acting my own age
happiness resides in my heart
she did not create it but she helped
I created my own happiness I created my life
but she has given her hand to me to hold if I ask nice
or maybe its all automatically now. like if I don't i might die.
we have fun together dance , read, cook, eat, kiss, hold hand, act like twelve. look like twelve.
sing color draw shop a friend a lover an amazing being that exists.
sleeping comes sleeping goes but when im with her....she is all I know.
to feel safe to feel strong to feel twelve It doesn't feel wrong.
responsibilities work , school, life they all still exist its almost like shes a part of me
I worry not too much but enough to I care. but I dunno
these words are in me now on text to the world maybe the universe next.