She was dressed professionally, in ivory blouse and tan business slacks and sensible heels. She could have been your elementary school principal, or a consultant for a Big-5 firm, or, with a white coat, one of the medical center faculty. It was a little unusual, as most of the parents who came to U. Michigan were dressed in t-shirts and jeans, not standard corporate dress, but perhaps she was ducking in from the office to bring in her baby.
Ewan, an adorably cute two-month-old boy, was naturally very nervous. When one is two months old, the large overhead fluroscopy camera, with it's attached gantry, is big and scary. But Ewan's mother gently stroked Ewan's head and softly sang nursery lullubies to him, and very soon Ewan calmed down and looked at all of us scurrying around him with big, curious eyes. "Ewan loves music," Ewan's mother explained.
"I think his favorite song is Mötley Crüe's Girls Girls Girls."
Yes, that's right -- Mötley Crüe's Girls Girls Girls, whose
video you can't even watch on YouTube without first certifying you're over 18 and was originally banned from MTV, whose lead singer was at one point actually declared legally dead of a heroin overdose until a last-ditch, Pulp-Fiction style adrenaline-shot to the heart, whose albums were so almost entirely Not Safe For Work the band was specificially cited by Tipper Gore in her crusade against indecency in popular music -- yeah, *that* Girls Girls Girls, *that* Mötley Crüe. That's why I almost dropped the flouroscopy remote control. :-)
She went on to explain that little Ewan had first heard the song at a Mötley Crüe concert she and her husband had attended late in her pregnancy [1], and that Ewan had excitedly kicked along with the beat. Ewan loved rock, and had recently begun rockin' out with his Dad, his father playing a big loud Stratocaster and little Ewan playing his Elmo guitar.
[1] Ed note. Mötley Crüe is still touring? Mötley Crüe is still *alive*?!? I mean, in their (in)famous careers of extreme excess they must have done enough drugs to fill a small airplane -- and had enough female companionship to fill a small airport terminal -- which makes news of their survival all the more incredible to this technical Child of the 80's...
With a story like that, twenty year's from now Ewan's going to end up playing the axe for a underground metal band -- or playing classical violin at Julliard. Or both. ;-)