This place is funny; there are a lot of people using words that I don't understand. And there were a lot of people fingerpainting the other day. I think you used too much paint though; everything got really messy and then some people weren't very happy about it.
All the red reminded me of something else though... something not good and- ... I miss Mother. I wonder if I'll get to see her this month. She'll miss me if I don't go see her, but Mystic Maya is here and Mr. Edgeworth and they haven't said anything about leaving yet and I don't know how to get to where Mother is now from here. I've never been away from Fey Manor and Kurain for this long either.
... I hope I get to see Mother soon. I don't want her to miss me and get lonely in her new building.
Mystic Maya, there are other Mystics here too! I met one:
Mystic Ichigo. I don't know what school he's from, but he was really nice! He also has really funny coloured hair. It's spikey too, like Mr. Nick's, but less pointy in the back. I wonder if there are any other Mystics here... I should train harder so I can catch up sooner. Mother would be happy to hear that I've been training hard.
[ooc: She doesn't realize she's saying all the things in small font. And probably won't realize it anytime soon. Post and all replies voice, as per usual~]