A failed art, or somesuch thing. [RP-thread.]

Nov 29, 2006 22:23

Ashu had, after a goodly while and a few glasses of wine, finally worked up the nerve. So here she was with her jacket on over top of a two piece set of lingerie, outside Zane's apartment. A deep breath and then she knocks on the door.

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not_in_zane December 5 2006, 04:07:27 UTC
"I don't end up that bad. It's just some missions are worse than others. This is pretty tame though. And I'll be okay. 'Sides, this is what I'm good at, and I like what I do, so it all works out," he said, shrugging a little.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 04:09:04 UTC
"Okay," Ashu muttered, and if Zane would let her she'd hug him.

"I'm sorry about getting all bratty earlier."


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 04:11:38 UTC
Zane wasn't going to push her away or anything.

"You're worried about him. These things happen," he said, shrugging.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 04:17:02 UTC
"It's probably something I should tell him myself," she said, moving back a little now. "And can I ask you something?"


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 04:22:25 UTC
"Ask away," Zane said, reaching up to massage his temples a bit.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 04:28:18 UTC
"If I got better at this whole, thing, relationships and stuff. Do you think we could be more than friends?" Ashu asked, getting the feeling she's going to regret asking it.


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 04:39:27 UTC
"What's wrong with just being friends?" Zane countered. "I mean... Ash, you're a nice girl, but... there's a lot that would need to happen first."


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 04:49:11 UTC
"N-nothing's wrong with it!" And there is a tiny-flail. "L-like?"


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 05:03:05 UTC
"Then why are you so curious about hooking up with me?" he asked. "And you'd need to grow up first," he said bluntly.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 05:05:06 UTC
"Because I like you, a lot." she replied, and what with her hangs up with sex she wouldn't be able to do the casual thing at all. "How?"


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 05:07:28 UTC
"Ash, I don't want to go down that path with you. Can we be friends first? I don't want to do the casual sex thing with you. And you need to get more mature. And actually learn to talk about things."

He would rather -not- be talking about things, but he would just have to deal.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 05:12:11 UTC
"I didn't say we couldn't be friends! And... And most of what I need to talk about doesn't have anything to do with you and I shouldn't dump it on you."

Ashu right now isn't sure what to talk about right now anyways.


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 05:56:41 UTC
"I don't mind, Ash. If you need to talk, I'll listen. It doesn't matter if it has anything to do with me or not," Zane offered.


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 06:09:28 UTC
"Yeah but you're supposed to not being doing anything stressful, and my issues with Proto and my wonderful pessimism is probably pretty dang stressful," Ashu muttered. "And, maybe sitting would be better while we do this?"


not_in_zane December 5 2006, 06:40:49 UTC
"Maybe," Zane said, nodding before heading to the living room and plunking down in a chair. "And listening to your issues is not stressful. Trust me, I know what counts as stressful in situations like these."


turnabout_girl December 5 2006, 06:46:30 UTC
Ashu followed in sat in the nearest empty seat. "Well better to be careful and not over do it, right?" she smiles and is trying to be more, chipper would be the right word for it. "I mean, I'm sure Xao is a nice person but anytime I've been around her is when Proto is either trying to see how far his tongue can go down her throat or he's dry humping her. It's disgusting and makes me feel uncomfortable to even be near her at all."


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