Blahblah, all the cool kids are doing it! OOC here.

Nov 10, 2005 23:15

Ashu - The Gaia Avatar.

Me the Crazy Bitch behind Ashu - The Gaia Avatar.

Male!Ashu doll. :3

And now the juicy meaty part of this post... Ashu's opinion of people she's met in the Nexus!

betterthanhim Protoman(Mega Man Cartoon-verse): She's DATING him, and she doesn't care about the fact that he is: Younger than her by alot, "evil", etc. etc. She loves him and will do anything for him, if he asks.

the_new_shaman Nate Grey(Marvel): Nate is like the older brother Ashu never had, or wanted. Although she'll never admit it now, Ashu has a tiny crush on Mr. Grey. She has of course written those feelings off. Other than that she thinks Nate's an okay fellow who just a whee bit over-protective.

gadgetqueen Eiko(OC?): Ashu thinks Eiko rocks, and she's one of the few adult-like people Ashu will actually LISTEN to. Why? I think it's because Eiko hasn't outright treated Ashu like an ignorant kid, but an equal, or something like that.

_hippolyta_ Hippolyta Hollister*sp?*(Red Dwarf, OC): I am really not sure why Ashu like Hips. Maybe it's the whole "Dating a Transformer"-kinship they have, or the fact that Hips is a snarky bitch.

mega_bluebomber Mega Man(Mega Man Cartoon-verse): Ashu is just, meh about Mega. He's an okay fellow, and a nice guy. But he's still a dweeb.

key_to_me and littlebitbad Key and Dawn Sanders(Marvel-verse OC*Key* and Buffy the Vampire Slayer*Dawn*): They shout about sex and crazy shit at each other... Yeah.

nthelizard Novak(OC?): For being a man-eating Lizardman, he's an okay fellow. He also promised to take pictures for his trip to Arkham(WHICH NEVER HAPPENED! ;-;) for Ashu, of people he killed.

THE ENTIRE BASEMENT CREW (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!): Any of the ones Ashu's met, which is a few. Other than thinking they are nuts. They are, all in all, pretty cool. They also give her booze.

Yeah, that's it. OOC show is over.

ETA: Made another doll

totally not in-character, meme time

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