Oct 01, 2005 12:28

ZOMG! Info post and first OOC post of this journal! (I think)

Anyways, abilities Ashu has gotten from vampirism. Info as well.

Charm humanoid
Calm humanoid
Vampires gain a +20 bonus to all prime statistic except for INT.

Vampires gain a +30 bonus to the following skills:
Critical Striking

Vampires must kill once a day to rest or loiter.
-This has been modified to just needing to feed before sleeping, or penality of nitemares which get worse the longer the vampire goes without feeding. Also impending insanity/madness the longer the vampire goes without feeding. (Example - Jhanny went two weeks without feeding and by the end he was completely mad.)

Only the sun of Tameriel can hurt her.
Basically since her vampirism is native to THAT world only, only the sun of THAT world will be harmful. Tameriel is the world from the Elder Scrolls video/PC games. EDIT/ADDMENDUM - "It actually has more to do with the sun not being a sun, but actually a hole in the universe through which the most powerful creator of the world escaped being bound into it." -Jhanactus-mun(Al)

Silver and Enchanted Weapons
"Hurt like a bitch" or actually do extra damage. I highly doubt this will become an issue though here on the LJ RP, on Ashes it might. (I may be wrong on this though.)

>.> Ashu's *snrk* 'Title' -
Lady Ashley Ilyes, First Scion of the Outcast Zurin Line of the Lysrezi.

Ashu has been taught/training off screen with Leia and Jhanny, thus she knows how to fight with armour and a sword (Although I doubt she's super-great :D) and has learned a few more spells (which I will make a list of sooner or later).

Rash'lan is Ashu's only thrall. She's a pixie.

AU Princess Leia Organa (Yes THAT Princess Leia), former thrall but due to psycholoical trauma created by Ashu yelling at her (Telling her she basically knew nothing, loudly and angrily) Leia's Addiction Level is now 0. I also forgot the species of Elf she is, but she's a blue-skinned elf-type of being. Also Ashu loves her, as in willing to defend Leia with every inch of her being-love.

Hmm, I think that is EVERYTHING, but I'm not sure. Any questions?

totally not in-character

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