Jun 01, 2005 20:52
so maybe it shouldnt have happend.. because now i miss it.. i want it.. and i get sad without it.. i think about it alot!!. :(
im a liar.. it should have happenD.. it did. n im happy it did..
makes me question everything n nonetheless.. brings a smile to my faCe.. 24 hrs a day.. 7 days a weeK..
its hard recognize the happy girL i see in the mirror every morning..i dont think anyOne does.. where did grouChy unhappy gross terina go?.. Good RideNs buddy!! hhahaa..welcome back happy loving n caring teri..uve been missed
my past made me bitter.. my present makes me happy..i had no trusT..n now i have just enouGh..i Love it..
wut a difference it is.. all of it..
<3..my lips getting faT...